How to wean a cat shy in the wrong place

How to wean a cat shy in the wrong place

Many owners face that their pet turns different corners of the apartment in their toilet. There are several ways to solve this problem.

Take the animal to the veterinarian

Show the pet doctor and check his health. This is especially true if the cat began to suddenly ignore the tray after many years of proper behavior. Complete the necessary surveys to eliminate health problems. If the point is precisely in this, follow all veterinarian's prescriptions.

Check the convenience of the tray

Pay attention to the pot pot. Perhaps a pet simply chooses more comfortable toilets.

  • Pick up the tray suitable for animal in size.
  • Experiment with different fillers, find the one that will like the cat.
  • Put the tray at a convenient for pet a place to get it freely to get there.
  • Change the tray as often as possible, it should always be clean.

Carefully process places where the cat gadil before

Find a good disinfectant that will eliminate the sharp smell of feline waste. Then put items into these places with an odor unpleasant to the cat (for example, orange crusts) or spray a special rejection of the pet store. Also stick to the favorite places of the animal bilateral scotch, then the stay there will give him discomfort.

Cut the "favorite" sites of the animal

If the places where the cat regularly shits, a little, then simply make them make it difficult to access the animal. Make a small permutation in the apartment, tanning all the angles and hard-to-reach places.

Katrate cat

This method will be effective if the reason for the undesirable behavior of the animal is the implementation of sexual instinct. The operation is advisable to carry out before the sex maturity of the animal.

Show your authority

Make a pet treat you as the owner of the territory.

  • Catch the cat "with political" and take it for the shkir.
  • Slim up the behavior of another cat: Start hiding on it and use easy physical strength (looking into the eyes of an animal, make some sharp drops with your hand in his direction).
  • The cat should omit the eyes and write down - it will mean that the victory is won, let go of the animal.
  • To secure the result, treat the place where you caught the animal and "mark" it with its individual smell (for example, deodorant).

To obtain a good result, the procedure will have to spend several times.

Each method is in its own way, but the most effective will be a complex of various measures to correct undesirable behavior. Start the educational process as soon as possible, as we will wean shout in the wrong place of the adult cat is much more difficult.

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