What eat snails at home

What eat snails at home

Snails are funny creatures that are pretty easy to keep as pets. They do not require special attention. The bunthrodium can live in captivity from 3 to 7 years, longer than a hamster or guinea pig. This is especially important to consider in situations when you buy an animal for a child. Most snails eat a wide variety of food, fruits and vegetables. "Solid" vegetables, such as carrots or potatoes, first blanch and cooled before feeding the mollusk. Consider the basic principles of feeding of land snails.

Number of fluid

Although the environment of the mollusk is quite humid, but it is recommended inside the container to still put a bowl with water. Snails will drink from it, as well as swim. The harder the bowl, the better, they will not be able to overturn it. The capacity should also be shallow so that the home creature does not drow.

It is necessary twice a day to spray water inside the mollusk housing. It should be changed daily water and products that feed snail. Do not leave rotting food in the reservoir, as the environment contributes to the growth of mold and fungus, and also attracts flies and ticks. It is very important to wash all the food and capacity before each feeding of a tiny creature.

Food list

All snails, even one species, have different tastes. Experiment with products and, if they don't like something, they will not be. In the natural environment, the bunthogue adheres to a mixed diet, so at home, try as close as possible to it. The list below shows some products that mollusks can eat, but this is not an exhaustive directory. Remember that raw food has a higher nutritional content than cooked or processed.

  • Fruits: Green Apples, Apricot, Avocado, Banana, Blackberry, Grapes, Kiwi, Mango, Melon, Papaya, Peach, Pear, Physalis, Plum, Raspberry, Strawberry, Tomato.
  • Vegetables: eggplant, beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, cucumber, green beans, cabbage, leeks, mushrooms, parsnips, peas, boiled potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, sweet corn, turnips, watercress, dandelion leaves, plantain.
  • Seeds: hemp, sunflower, pumpkin, oats. Grain is best served chopped or ground.
  • Brown bread, milk, a bit of raw meat.
  • Dry cat food (moist), biscuits for dogs, tortoise food.

the need for calcium

For the full development of snail shells important calcium supply. Its source can be:

  • Natural fertilization (sepia) of bone, shell and bone cuttlefish, which can be purchased at any pet store. It should pour on a small plastic tray and sprinkle them pieces of food to the grains do not become instantly wet.
  • Powder from oyster shells.
  • Food natural chalk.
  • Calcium deficiency is well replenish natural limestone.
  • Bone flour.
  • Wood.
  • Eggshell. It is possible to prepare yourself. Remove the inside of the egg shell, and rinse thoroughly. In order to better crush the shell pre-leave it for a few minutes in the oven. While the egg is not a good source of calcium, but in the absence of the other, it is possible to add it to the shellfish.
  • Bone flour.


  • Products which have been treated with pesticides or contaminated by exhaust fumes of the car are particularly dangerous for the snails. Examples are grown in the roadway fruit or dandelion leaves.
  • Millet and pasta can cause bloating (water retention) in shellfish and cause death.
  • Avoid too starchy foods such as rice.
  • Snails need a bit of salt to survive, but its excess is very dangerous for the tiny creatures.
  • Beware of smoked, pickled and spicy food.
  • Do not feed the snail citrus because acid is contacted with calcium and harms the delicate creation.
  • Solanine in potatoes, cheese is very toxic to snails.

feeding time

feeding frequency will depend on the type and number of snails in your tank and the one who shares it with your pet. The best way to decide - is to consult with someone about it. If the snails leave behind a lot of food, reduce the dose or experiment with different types of food. When the content of a few clams in one dwelling should throw the food in different parts of the container that was available to all.

Remember one truth, let's so much food with your pets, so much they can eat, otherwise it will deteriorate.

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