Cat's ear tick treatment at home

Cat's ear tick treatment at home

The ear tick is the most common disease of pets. Everyone, who has animals at home, should have knowledge, how to deal with a tick. The success of the tick treatment depends on the observance of all rules.

What is the display or ear scab?

Squeectosis or ear scabies - a disease that causes an ear tick. This parasite has a white color and he lives in the folds of the skin. This nutrition is leather, lymph, intercellular fluid and blood. If you saw that homemade favorite began to scratch her ears and shake his head, then he also had an ear tick. At the same time, the ears are contaminated, a brown bloom appears with an unpleasant smell. If not treated, the animal's ears are even more contaminated with gray, blood, skin scales.

Before you start treating an ear tick, you must make sure that the correctly determined the diagnosis in the animal. It is better to consult a doctor and start the treatment of a cat. The main thing is not to confuse the display with notooderosis. Since the second disease is subcutaneous and the outer part of the ear is subject to affect.

How to reveal the tick?

Since this parasite has a white color, it is necessary to identify it a black surface. Take advantage of a cotton wand and in one movement Take Cashitz from your animal's ear. Strong movement, try to remove the ticks on the black surface of the ear chopstick. This wand hide into the package and look carefully on the surface. But for this, the light should be bright, as the tick is very small and it is difficult to see it.

If you see white moving points, then your home pet is tick. To confirm this you can consult a doctor and make a special analysis.

How to treat ticks in cats?

Ear scabies - a cunning disease, to get rid of which you can, adhering to all the rules, not earlier than in a month.

Store the following rules:

  1. Cat insulation in a separate room.
  2. Hand hygiene after you contact the cat.
  3. Wear gloves and a bathrobe.
  4. Use special preparations in order to get rid of the ear tick.
  5. Daily clean your cat's ears.
  6. Use peroxide or a special disinfectant in which you will make a cotton wand for cleaning the ears.
  7. Buy a drug that will remove itching.
  8. For faster to recover, restore your strength, the cat should relax and eat well.

In order to get rid of this ailment, choose special drops in your ears. Local treatment is the most famous method of combating tick. If ear scabies are light shaped, then drops with a narrow spectrum of action are suitable, if the disease is started, then there will be drops of a wide range of action, disinfecting lotions.

At the early stage of ear scabies, the cat can be caught by folk remedies. For example, take garlic crack and mix with two spoons of oil. Put for a day in a warm, dark place so that Mazzka is blown. Then lubricate the ears once a day.

Adhere to the rules of hygiene and the recommendations of the veterinarian, a little patience and your cat will be healthy. In order not to harm your beloved animal, the medical drugs should be prescribed.

Comments leave a comment
Elena V. 17/05/2021 at 9:37

And the treatment of animal with drops or other means saves from the ear tick?

Ekaterina 18/05/2021 at 17:49

Of course protects, drops, because they go from fleas, ticks, moisture. We have at least three years of use of droplets and collar Dana Ultra never had anything like this. So the means are effective, you just need to use them on time and not tighten with the processing of the animal.


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