How horses sleep

How horses sleep

Our life is subject to stereotypes, and at least judgments or opinions are not reasonable and not confirmed. A vivid example of this is a horse - this is how they sleep, in your opinion? Most are deeply convinced that exclusively standing. And where did you get it? So how do horses sleep? Need to figure out.

Myths that horses sleep only standing

Most animals are sleeping lying. Try to remember at least someone who sleep standing, and it is unlikely to be possible. So why do people take that horses sleep standing? Probably from what basically see horses in a standing position. But take for example a cow. She, too, at the moments of his wakefulness constantly standing, but she sleeps, nevertheless, in a lying position. And horses - they belong to the same class and form that both cows, and their main processes proceed absolutely identical. But it is worth considering other sleepy conditions of horses. Maybe that horses sleep standing, there is a share of truth?

How do horses rest?

Sleep standing

Horses are mainly standing, or go, or jump, that is, constantly in a state of activity. And it is quite natural to experience elementary muscle fatigue from constant movement. Therefore, it is very often possible to notice, after watching the horses for a long time, that when they are issued time to stand for a long time in one place, they seem to be relaxing. This can be traced on the position of the back - when the horse is relaxed, the back will be bombed, the back leg is adjusted - this is also a sign of relaxation, eyes are covered. This horse is dorming, it rests in this way, but sleep in this case is superficial, not deep, you can even think that the horse just covered his eyes for a moment, although it can stand in such a pose with eyes closed before half an hour.

Sita standing, the horse seems to be resting, but at the same time it is constantly at the ready if something goes out something, or it will feel danger, then at any time it will be ready to break from the place. In general, sleep standing is rather a protective reaction than the need. When the horse feels safe, she usually sleeps lying.

Son lying

In order for the horse completely relaxed, it still needs to be faced. Horses sleep lying on her side and look at this moment incredibly defenseless. However, the owners of horses should be attentive and follow their pets, as long-term sleep lying for the horse is dangerous, the features of the structure of the animal organism and weight are such that after 6 hours of sleep on the side of the horse may occur the swelling of the lungs, and this is deadly.

Many horses breeders say that there are never in life, despite the fact that they spend most of their day with horses, they did not see the horse to sleep. This, by the way, make a reason to think: such a horse behavior means that he is not sure of his safety in the stable and in the stall.

More often you can see how lying on the side sleep foals. Proximity to mom makes their sleep with serene, they feel completely protected and can fully relax. The kids are sleeping lying longer, they are still small and easy and their health during a long sleep in the side does not threaten anything.

Adult features are enough to sleep lying 2-4 hours, and they feel completely restored.

Are the horses for sleeping a company?

By the way, breeders also note that horses can sleep and relax precisely on grazing when they are in herd. First, they feel calm and peaceful in a large company. And in the crowd the horses warmer and more cozy. Therefore, they can get rid of a small bunch, and warm up peacefully that standing that lying.

Does the horses dreams see?

Of course, no one can say reliably, if the dreams are shot by animals, but the observations of the horses proved that during the deep phase of sleep, they still dream. This is talking about all their behavior, they can imitate running, moving ears, snort, blow the nostrils. If they lie during sleep, then all the sounds published are more like snoring.

Horses sleep a little, usually their sleep is very sensitive and is configured. But if they feel safe, they can sleep up to 6 hours, standing or lying - will also depend on the circumstances.

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