What if you bited a cat?

What if you bited a cat?

Everyone belongs to the bite of dogs seriously if such an incident happened, then they are immediately sent to the trauma, to fix the bites and get their portion of injections against rabies. Everyone belongs to the bites of cats, without giving meanings to this fact, and completely in vain. Cat bites can be even more dangerous to doggy.

Is the danger of feline bites?

Cats are able to bite a lot of man, and even their own owner, if they are home. Naturally, for this they need a weighty occasion. Usually cats are not rushed to people, but if there is a situation where the natural instincts of the predator are exacerbated, it begins to behave like an ordinary animal.

Under what circumstances the cat can bother?

  • Usually, cats are very zealous to their territory, so the appearance of a stranger perceive as invasion and completely capable of biting the guest, even if they are called.
  • The appearance of a new animal in the house of cats is perceived extremely aggressively, because they are completely able to hurt their bite, demonstrating discontent with the situation.
  • The cat is able to answer the bite on violence in her side by man. If an adult or baby caused a cat pain, it is quite natural that it will defend themselves.
  • Wild cats are able to bite a person and at all without reason. Their bites, in contrast to home, are dangerous in that they can make various diseases into the organism, for example rabies or other unpleasant and dangerous infections.

What diseases threatens the bites of cats?

  • Pastellosis - this disease is transmitted to man precisely with animal bites. It is caused by bacillins and bacteria, which are in abundance concentrated in the animal oral cavity. The wound, where the infection came, it is inflamed, the impodent may begin, and strong pain is also characterized, the disease is accompanied by diarrhea, respiratory authorities may suffer.
  • Strepto and stafilococci - infections that provoke swelling, suppuration, body temperature increase, skin infection and even blood infection.
  • Spotrichoz - a disease that is transmitted to a person with a bite of an animal and characterized by the fact that the wound does not heal and remains open.
  • Fever feline scratches - a disease that is transmitted to a person usually from kittens. Accompanied by increasing temperature. Usually, if human immunity is strong enough, then everything goes by itself. However, in the event that immunity is weakened, without medical care can not do.
  • Cats are also able to infect a person with rabies, especially homeless. This is a terrible disease, the outcome of which is a fatal outcome. If you have bitten an unfamiliar cat, you need to immediately consult a doctor so that he prescribes adequate measures.
  • Also, the cat bite can be completely infected with a tetanus, it is rare, but, nevertheless, such facts are fixed. Tetanus in a short time is striking the nervous system. At first symptoms, sweating, headaches, the tension of the muscles in the bite, twitching - immediately need to consult a doctor for vaccination.

And in general, the bite of the cat may cause a lot of trouble, given that the teeth of cats can be compared in sharpness with razors, and bacteria, albeit not fatally dangerous, will be able to provoke strong inflammation of the wound that will require treatment.

What to do after bitten a cat?

  • Extremely, immediately after the cat bit you, the wound need to be processed, for this, the flowing water from the tap and the household soap is perfect. Machine wound and rush under the jet of cold water. This will allow infections not to penetrate deeply.
  • If the bite is accompanied by moderate bleeding - do not take measures to stop blood - along with it from the wound and the microbial organisms in it will come from the wound.
  • As soon as you were washed with a wound and bleeding, it is now required to conduct measures to disinfect wounds. Rinse it with hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, and attach the ointment, for example, tetracycline or leftomycetin.
  • After making all the measures, it is worth closing the wound, for this suitable a bactericidal plaster or sterile bandage.
  • Remember that wounds from the bites of cats are susceptible to inflammation much more often than other injuries, so be careful and at any deviation hurry to contact the doctor.

In general, if the cat is home, you know for sure that it does not leave the walls of the house, is not sick and grafted, then the measures taken will be enough. However, the consultation of the doctor will not be superfluous anyway.

  • If you were fed by an unfamiliar cat, without losing time run to the hospital. There you will professionally treat bites and, if necessary, prescribe injections from rabies and vaccinating from tetanus, and, if necessary, prescribe any other symptomatic treatment.

How to protect yourself from cat bites?

It is necessary to try as much as possible to avoid animal bites and cats in particular. What should I do for this:

  1. All, and adults, and children, must remember that it is impossible to touch the cats on the streets in any way, even if she is very nice and fluffy, and looks healthy.
  2. Having come to visit, do not come to the cat, if it shows at least a minor aggression. It is possible to iron an animal only if it allows you to allow it.
  3. Examine your cat's character and do not do what she does not like.
  4. Do not allow children to play with cats, carry them behind the tail, offend - cats are always defended when they feel that they are attacked.

Remember that cats, even a home, but still predators and are quite capable of attacking and arting, causing pain. Always be relatives, especially with unfamiliar animals.

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