What if it came to a rusty nail?

What if it came to a rusty nail?

Sometimes attempts to do, something independently end in unpleasant consequences. What if it came to a rusty nail myself or someone from loved ones? Consider how it is necessary to act in the current situation and how to avoid unforeseen consequences, possibly fatal injury.

Stepped on a rusty nail - possible consequences

Rusty nails sticking out of old boards can "wait" at the Hozdvor, the countryside, in a pile of garbage left by a neighbor who makes repairs. Options come across a rusty nail Many and thin sole of shale or shoes can not always prevent the foot injury. What can threaten such a wound?

The consequences of a rusty nail, vanned to the leg, can be different:

  • inflammation of a bacterial nature;
  • bleeding;
  • blood poisoning;
  • tetanus.

The last two pathologies can lead to death, therefore, it is not necessary to joke with the nail drunk in the feet, especially if he is rusty, should not.

What to do if it came to a rusty nail: a sequence of actions

After they felt a sharp pain piercing leg, you realized that the following actions began to take on a nail:

  1. Sit down, and if possible, take a horizontal position.
  2. If necessary, remove a rusty nail from tissues (in the case when the nail remained in the foot).
  3. Stop bleeding, using sterile items (wool, bandage, cotton cloth).
  4. Treat the wound with disinfectants (peroxide, alcohol, iodine). If medical preparations did not turn out to be at hand, you can rinse with alcohol wound (vodka, moonshine).
  5. Make a bandage to minimize the risk of wound pollution.

With a deep wound, you need a doctor's help, so after providing self-help (puncture disinfection), be sure to visit the hospital.

Standard symptoms after puncture legs with rusty nail

After disinfection of the wound from a rusty nail, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Swipness at the point of puncture.
  • Soreness during walking.
  • Redness of the skin around the wound.

Such symptoms can be called standard, and if they are stable and after 1-2 days decrease, it means everything is in order.

Passed the leg rusty nail: when to beat the alarm?

If the symptoms described above do not poke and others join them, then you need to beat the alarm and contact the doctor. To the symptoms that require non-assistance, after a rusty nail crossing, belong:

  • Increases body temperature.
  • The well-being is worsening, pain in the foot becomes unbearable.
  • The place of puncture, swollen and hot, the redness spreads throughout the foot and higher.

Such symptoms indicates an inflammatory process and a possible infection. When contacting a specialist, he will write the necessary antibiotics and means of local action. If the last 10 years have not been revaccination from the tetanus, then when contacting the hospital, it should be injected by a tetanus vaccine.

Tetannik - as a result of puncture legs with rusty nail

The tetanus is a terrible disease that may arise after they struck the feet of a nail with rust. The last stages of the manifestation of this disease, when the muscles are strained (paralysis), and the person becomes immobilized (stagnation), incurable.

When infected with the tetanus, the most dangerous are toxins that are allocated by bacteria. Finding into the bloodstream, they are distributed throughout the body, causing a breakdown between neuromuscular fibers, which leads to convulsive states. The structure of bone-muscular fibers changes, the work of the cardiovascular system is disturbed. The last hours of life a person spends in agony that even physicians are unable to stop.

Based on the above, it should be attentive to relate to damage to tissues, especially rusty objects. And if there is a puncture case with rusty nail, it is immediately treated with a wound and when negative symptoms appear for help to a doctor.

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