What if we bite the viper?

What if we bite the viper?

The bite of the snake is not only frightened and causes unbearable pain, but can also cost the life of an unlucky pedestrian. In particular, if the biting snake turned out to be violet. Rarely, who knows what can and cannot be done in such situations, although the health of the victim depends on the surrounding reaction rate. To avoid complications, you need to know how to provide first aid in the event of a viper bite.

Habitat and exposure to poison viper

  • Usually snakes catch the approach of man to fluctuate the Earth from his steps, but if the soil is removed by spruce needles or is well enough, then this is "jam" human steps for snake hearing. Then there is an unpleasant meeting, which no one is able to avoid.
  • The viper dwells in the middle lane of Russia and goes back in April or May, when it is already warm enough. It prefers to live in abandoned Norah, voids of stumps, cracks and other secluded corners. Since it is waterfowl, the water edge should also be extremely careful. In addition, it is worth fear of abandoned houses, barns, an old hay.
    The gady color is the most different. Most species on the back stretches a zigzag or flat strip, but there are black viper without a single light spin.
  • When traveling through the forest or on the banks of the river, you need to observe extreme caution - Viper is active during the daytime and love the places heated by the sun. If an unpleasant meeting still happened, the snake begins to hiss and makes threatening throws. At this time, bites can be avoided if you do not make sudden movements and try to just leave.
  • The most dangerous guy bites, which are located on the top of the human body. The bite immediately causes pain, which over time is becoming stronger. In the spring time, toxins in Yade Vijuki is greater than in the summer. Their destructive effect is directed to nervous cells, while other components prevent blood coagulation and destroy the surrounding tissues.
  • The first symptoms appear immediately after the bite - the affected part of the body swells and blushes, the temperature on this skin increases. The overall reaction is waiting after 20 minutes. Although sometimes it happens instantaneous. The victim starts dizziness, it weakens and feels urge to vomit. Often it is accompanied by rapid heartbeat and difficult breathing. Consciousness does not mutte, although the victim can behave inhibit itself.

First aid

  1. You can suck the poison in such situations only in rare situations when you get to the doctor there is no possibility. It is more correct after the bite to consult a doctor, and on the way to it, the affected part of the body should not move - the influx of blood will turn toxins in the body faster. That is why the finiteness is fixed with appliant means like handles or belts. In this case, it is better not to squeeze the bite.
  2. Before applying to the doctor, the victim recommended to drink up to three liters of simple water with small sips, not in a hurry. You can also take antiallergent means like "Supratin", limiting 1 - 2 tablets.
  3. When first aid, an attempts to burn bite should be avoided, attempts to cut the wound or attempts to rinse it with a solution of manganese. You can suck the poison in the event that there is no wound in your mouth and from the moment of bite there was less than a minute. After 15 minutes, sucking is better to stop, because part of the toxins has already absorbed into the tissue. In general, it is possible to remove only a third of the speaker poison that fell under the skin. It is possible to swallow the poison of viper.
  4. In the hospital, the victim is a serum with anti-tech. It will act within a couple of hours that the victim will spend in the hospital ward. During this time, his wound will be treated with iodine and impose a bandage so that it does not be fused. It will take less than a week in compliance with the gentle regime so that all the symptoms of the purust of the viper are disappeared.

What do not do?

With incorrect treatment in the first minutes after the bite, complications may arise, from which it will be difficult to get rid of. How can I harm first help?

  1. It is better not to cut the wound cross-crosswise and do not try to cut the swelling site. Under wildlife conditions, it is almost guaranteed to be infected, as well as a huge risk of damaging veins and tendons.
  2. Some grief assistants are trying to make a bite's place of bite by all remedies, including gunpowder. It is very meaningless, because the fangs of violets in a centimeter long and poison immediately penetrates very deeply under the skin.
    Especially do not recommend caressing the bite of chemicals. They can cause severe burns. Web and land are also not the best assistants in providing first aid.
  3. It is very important not to pinch and not delay the limb of the bite of victim above. This is capable of increasing the risk of his death, cause Gangrena and in general will negatively affect the health state of the victim. At the same time, the harness is not capable of slowing down or delay the spread of poison.
  4. Any injections be avoided except anti-hay serum. And it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol in any quantities, since it enhances the effects of poison on the body and delays it in the tissues for a long time.

If a person is young and strong in health, the bite of violet will not cause him strong harm. Nevertheless, it should be remembered about complications from improper treatment and take preventive measures against the serpentic bite.

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