How to write a power of attorney

How to write a power of attorney

The car is always decorated for one user, share ownership, such as for apartments, is not provided here. But in fact, very often drives the car not only his owner, but also members of his family. Therefore, in order for driving to be legitimate, it was necessary before certain changes in the legislation always to have a power of attorney to driving a car. After 2012, the power of attorney for management is not needed. But still there are cases in which the power of attorney will necessarily need

When performing any registration actions with the car, the owner is not suitable as a simple handwritten power of attorney. It is necessary to write it, specifying that it is specifically planned to do with a car: to remove from accounting, sell or specify some other actions. The rights of the power of attorney will be limited only by those actions that the owner will indicate a power of attorney.

When passing inspection for a car by someone, except the owner, a simple power of attorney will also need.

In order to pick up a car from a stroke, you will have to make a power of attorney if your name is not specified in the registration certificate.


If you plan to cross the state border by car, you do not documely, you will need notarized power of attorney. The exceptions here are the countries that are included in the customs union friendly.

Be extremely attentive, prescribing power of attorney. Specify all the car data from its technical passport, do not forget to specify the date. After all, it is from this number that this document will be calculated. The maximum term of a simple power of attorney is limited in three years. By default, the validity period will last one year, in the event that the period is not specified by the owner. Consider all the above nuances, and then you will not have problems with the power of attorney.

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