How to send a child to camp

How to send a child to camp

In the summer, when children do not go to school, the parents begin to "slander the head" about the organization of leisure of children. An excellent option can be a children's camp. Previously, the camps were only "pioneer", and now are the most different.

Wellness. Children aged 7 to 14 years old are free of charge in such camps and have medical testimony for recovery. To the same camps, the state also sends children of preferential categories:

  • Round orphans;
  • Children left without guarding parents;
  • Disabled children;
  • Children from low-income and large families.

In addition to the recreation camp, the child may apply for recovery in the sanatorium, children are accepted there from 4 years.

Day camps on the basis of schools and other educational institutions. These camps are available to all categories of children, in the presence of free places, and the trips are quite affordable.

Conventional recreation camps. In such camps, parents can independently purchase a ticket for the full cost. In the same camps, one of the summer shifts is usually organized for those children who attend a variety of sports sections in urban educational institutions. The sports ticket will cost only 10% of the total cost.

If parents acquire a ticket for the full cost, the state can reimburse 50% of its price, but only in some special cases:

  • When mom receives a monthly children's manual;
  • When a child is brought up in a large family.

Preferential payment (10% of the total cost of a ticket) is also provided for those parents whose children are laureates of a variety of Olympiads or members of children's public associations.

Any ticket can be ordered in the children's institution itself, social protection bodies or via the Internet on the portal State services. To decorate a ticket to the camp, it is necessary to prepare such documents for a child:

  • Passport, if the child has already been 14 years old;
  • Insurance number of the individual personal account - reduss;
  • Documents confirming the presence of certain benefits;
  • Birth certificate;
  • Certificate of family composition;
  • A certificate of where the place of residence of the child is registered;
  • Medical reference.

Keep in mind that trips to any camp can be started to order from April 25, and the acceptance of applications will end - August 12.

These are only general rules, how to send a child to the camp. In each region of Russia, the conditions for the order and design of vouchers to children's camps may differ. To be exactly sure that the child will be able to relax in the camp in the summer, parents need to clarify information on a specific region. This can be done or in a general education institution where a child to learn, or in the social protection bodies at the place of residence.

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