Documents for opening a calculated account

Documents for opening a calculated account

No one's own business and production costs without opening a current account. As soon as you start activities as a legal entity, you will need to open this type of account. Theoretically, you can do without this procedure, but it can be fraught with your business. Consider more Questions related to the opening of the account.

Why open a settlement account

First of all, it is associated with taxes. When you have a settlement account of the organization, the issues with the transfer of taxes do not arise, however, if you decide to translate funds to the tax service through your personal account on your own name, it may lead to long proceedings. Do not forget that to associate your personal account of an individual with the organization's activities is prohibited.

Another of the convenience accounts is accounting. You use it exclusively for translations and operations within the organization, which simplifies the reporting process. So you will be much easier to conduct cash disciplines both in IP and in the organization.

The third item can include limits and restrictions. The thing is that the personal accounts have certain restrictions on translations, if your organization is engaged in large exchange operations, then you will simply do not be convenient for yourself to conduct the company's affairs. In this case, you will certainly need a current account.

Documents for opening a current account for the organization

The package of documents for the organization is quite large, if you compare it with a list of documents when opening an invoice for an individual:

  • With you you need to have a copy of the charter for the organization. Sample of the completed statute you can download and see directly here;
  • Applicant passport;
  • Certificate of Your Tax Accounting;
  • Extracts of the Eagip
  • Several signature samples. The bank employee will give you a special form at which it will be necessary to sign several times;
  • Print prints. Do not forget to take it with you;
  • The remaining forms are filled directly in the bank.

The organization is allowed to have so many settlement accounts as its representatives will consider necessary.

Documents for opening a current account to a legal entity

The package of documents is not very different, but filling forms will be different:

  • If a legal entity acts as a representative, you will have to fill this shape;
  • Basic blank will be statement.

Fill out the document with a black handle without blots and errors. In the document, you can not leave empty fields if you need to skip the column, then write the word "no".

Documents for opening a current account to an individual

The individual also has the full right to open a bill account for personal convenience. At the same time, you only need to fill the forms and present a passport.

  • Application form you can download here;
  • If you are just someone's representative, then another is filled the form.

Filling the same happens by a black handle, corrections are not allowed.

Is it possible to open a billing account online

Many banks allow you to reserve a number for the current account and use them until you provide the originals of documents to the nearest branch.

For example, on the site Sberbank There is such a service. You just have to go according to the link and click the "current account number online".

You will redirect to the account creation page. Click on the "Open Account" button.

In the first column "Account Type", specify "settlement", after which fill in the information at other points:

  • Your OGRN and TIN;
  • Annual revenue intervals in rubles;
  • Type of organization: Commercial or not, financial.

  • Mobile phone and email;
  • You will need to agree with personal data processing, putting the checkbox from the bottom.

That's all, enter numbers from the picture to pass spam inspection, the Bank's employees will contact you very soon.

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