How to close an IP with debts

How to close an IP with debts

An individual entrepreneur has the right to maintain different activities: the provision of services, selling goods, rental of real estate, etc. For such a type of activity, the entrepreneur receives the income from which he needs to pay taxes. But what if the business did not give the desired earnings, debts accumulated before the state and are you forced to close it? Reply read in our article!

general information

An individual entrepreneur has the right to close its private activities. The closing process of any IP requires time. After all, it will have to gather the necessary documents to be in the tax (minimum of several times). You can independently do this case or shift the work on a trial. To close an IP with tax debt, consider such nuances:

  • tax debts must be paid fully (payment of penalties is also produced);
  • if the business owner refuses to pay tax debts and fines (also if the entrepreneur has no funds for paying debts), then the personal property of a businessman acts as compensation, which is usually evaluated significantly lower than the real value;
  • if you are closing a business in connection with bankruptcy, the decision of the debt payment court may be revised (the amount of debt will be reduced or delayed to pay, debt can be written for a certain period, etc.);
  • the exact amount of debt at the time of its repayment needs to be found at the Inspector of the Tax Service.

Please note that the closure of individual entrepreneurship does not remove the responsibility of paying debts that appeared during the existence of a business. All debts equal to the amount is transferred to the former entrepreneur, as an individual.

What if there is debt before PF?

When an entrepreneur owes the pension fund, he can also close his business activities. It will be discontinued if your company will link to the pension fund, but pay debts and fines (if any) you will be required. When you decide to close your business, please note:

  • IP with debt to the pension fund is closed in a similar way, as is the entrepreneurship that has no debt;
  • the debtor does not remove the responsibility of debts even in the status of an individual;
  • if you refuse to pay penalties and debts, the Pension Fund has the right to submit to an entrepreneur to court (by decision of the court as payment you can pick up movable and real estate);
  • if you have not paid debts and fines on the specified time limit, the fund has the right to write them off from your bank account.

Close IP correct

Many entrepreneurs think that close their work is an incredibly complex, tedious process. But as practice shows, get rid of the status of an individual entrepreneur, will not be difficult if it competently calculate its time and provide all the necessary documents. Today you can close the IP without even leaving the house, subject to the presence of a digital signature. If it is this, it is enough to visit the official website of the federal tax service and follow the step-by-step instructions. If you plan to close your activity personally, then be sure to check out the stages and list of documents:

  • 1 stage - we make an application for closure (it can be found and printed on the official website of the tax service, fill according to the sample);

  • 2 stage - for the NP closed you, it is necessary to pay state duty (the receipt is also found on the site, print and pay 160 rubles in the Bank's Office);

  • 3 Stages - We visit the Pension Fund and order a certificate of the absence of debt (about the need for this certificate in the tax service);

  • 4 Stage - Apply Documents to the Tax Service convenient for you ( on-line, personal presence, by registered mail with the stated list of documents).

After submitting documents, expect a decision of the tax inspector.

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