How to close IP in 2016

How to close IP in 2016

Basically because the financial markets of the world have an indefinite future, a large number of legal entities begin to be broken and closed. Therefore, the situation is no longer surprised when a private entrepreneur suddenly decide to eliminate its status and end labor activity. The maintenance of certain types of business becomes unprofitable, therefore, more and more often among individual entrepreneurs, the question of how can I close up.

The closing procedure IP in 2016

  • The first thing to be done is to fill out a statement that has a form of P26001. This document can be downloaded on the website of the Federal Tax Service. Filling is possible both handle, solely black and using a computer. The data fits in capital printing letters, the Courier New 18 PT font is required on the computer. The filled form must be stored before visiting the tax service.
  • The second action is the closure of all debts that concern pension and insurance cash payments.
  • Next, it is necessary to conduct a final calculation and confirmation of this action in insurance funds. But this concerns only those situations in which the entrepreneur in an employment contract has employees. They must be aware of the dismissal for 2 months and get the necessary compensation payments. Employees can also agree on displacement without labor employment within 2 months, but then the amount for the development of these months according to the law should still be paid. If the employee itself writes a statement about the care, then the insurance fund is not necessary to warn.
  • Then the individual entrepreneur must pay the elimination of IP. It costs only 160 rubles. This can be done on the official website of the tax service through the payment of the payment of duty. After choosing a payment method, you can get a document, print it, and pay for it the desired amount in Sberbank.
  • The receipt that the bank will be issued must be attached to the application in the field on the left. We add a passport and refer to the tax. Already in the department it is necessary to sign on the application and give the documentation for processing.
  • After that, it is important to pay all the existing debt to your employees and the Pension Fund.
  • Next, you need to remove yourself as an employer with accounting in the state agencies of the FSS and the FIU. To do this, the corresponding statements are written in the social and retirement fund and the necessary documents are provided.
  • Then you need to remove from official accounting all the CCMs that were in an entrepreneur.
  • The last step is to close the current account in the bank if it was opened.
  • Once all the steps are passed - the closing of the IP can be considered over.

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