How to issue an IP

How to issue an IP

Independently to issue an IP is much easier than people who have commissioned the design of agencies. Of course, you will need your time and money, but having studied this instruction in advance, you can save both.

Prepare your passport, Inn and copies, download and fill in the application forms. So, for registration you will need: Application for registration formP21001. (new from 04.07.2013g), consisting of four sheets, 2 copiesapplications on the transition to the USN form № 26.2-1 – One will remain in the tax one - you have receipt for state duty For registration of IP, the amount of state duty at the moment is 800 rubles. You can fill them on both the computer and hand prints. An application for registration of IP will need to be fed in the upper left corner and take a rectangular piece of paper on which you should write "stitched and numbered on 4 (four) sheets. Signature".

Pay for a receipt in Sberbank. Having collected the necessary documents, contact the Department of the IFTS. In the new edition law No. 129-FZ reportedly: if you personally register the IP, it is not necessary to assure the P21001 application from the notary. Having accepted your documents, you will be given a receipt for receipt (sheet B claims P21001) with the date when the documents on the IP will be ready and you will be able to pick them up (after 5 business days), as well as the second copy of the application for simplified with the seal of the IFNS authority. Save them before receiving documents on IP, namely: the certificate of registration of the individuality as an IP, an extract from EGRN, a notice of registration of the PP into account in the tax authority.

When you get in the IFNS INN entrepreneur and an extract from EGRN, you should register In the FIU. To do this, contact the Pension Fund with a full package. In place you can issue filled with your data and calculated by the amount of receipt for payment of fixed contributions of the Pension Pension and Cumulative Parts, FFOMS and TFOMS, if you do not have workers. And after a certain time, by mail, you will receive a notice of registration of the physician in the PFR authority. If you will hire employees, you should register as an employer not only in the Pension Fund, but also the Social Insurance Fund within 10 days from the date of the conclusion of an employment contract with the first employee. Otherwise, a fine is facing 5,000 rubles.

Now you need to contact Rosstat, mainly it is in the administration of the settlement, for obtaining notifications about the assignment of codes that many banks require when opening a current account.

The law does not oblige entrepreneurs to have a stamp, but many banks (when opening P / C) and counterparties (especially state employees) require its presence. The cost of automatic printing is about 400 rubles. Upon receipt of the finished print, you will print and signature in the seal registry from the manufacturer. On the print must be your name, TIN and OGRNIP. Typically, the manufacture of printing takes a day.

Open the bill account in the bank. At the same time, by law until May 2, 2014, it was necessary to inform about it in the IFSN, submitting an application for opening an account in form C-09-1. Now, with the entry into force of Law No. 52-FZ of April 2, 2014, this is not required. To open an account with each bank, has its own requirements in terms of a package of documents, so in order to save time, take with you all documents relating to IP, passport, printing. Perhaps the Bank will require a copy of any documents certified by a notary. In this case, you can contact the nearest notarial office, and then return to the bank. The opening of the current account is a long-term process, you will be issued to the contracts forms, applications, applications, a card, explain in detail how to fill them, and also control you. Instruct how to use a checkbook.

Now you have everything ready for legitimate activities as an individual entrepreneur. As you were convinced - there is nothing complicated in this process.

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