Distinctive signs of the rule of law

Distinctive signs of the rule of law

For those who are interested in signs of the rule of law and the concept itself, this article will be interesting and informative.

Civil type society concept

A civil society is considered to be a society that fully recognizes human value where there is freedom of speech and law. Do not think that civil society can be called any society, because it is not. This concept is equivalent to the highly developed public (that is, society must be developed in all parameters - legal, political, economic, etc.).

Do not forget about the high level of moral and moral characteristics of all members of society. As they say, the fish rot from the head, so here the considered factor is an important criterion. Note that such concepts as a legal state and civil society are indivisible.

The state of legal type is an organization that refers to the powerful state category of civil society. It is worth noting here that it is a civil society that chooses the government of the state, the main task of which is the expression of the interests of the same society.

In addition, the legal state, in turn, is not used as a tool of total control, and in the life of the company under consideration does not interfere without much need (exceptions in this case, of course, is). Citizens have the right to privacy, and the legal state does not interfere without needing to it.

Legal state - what is it?

The state of legal type is called such a state where the rule of law "works", as well as rights. Here are all equal among themselves, before the law and the court, which chooses civil society. In such a state, everything happens exclusively by law, as well as the principle of dividing power.

So, we smoothly go to a detailed consideration of the signs of the legal state:

  • Legal priority. It is worth noting here that the right of state-owned type must be obeyed without exception, people, organizations of various types, as well as the state itself. All laws in such a state are obliged to be legal.
  • Legal priority. The laws that are created by civil society are a kind of regulators of relations in society, among other things, they have the greatest legality force. It is worth noting that it is the law that is a barrier for chaos.
  • Separation of power. So, there are three branches here - judicial, legislative, executive. In this case, all existing powers must be evenly distributed among the branches under consideration.

Obstacles to the formation of a legal state

In fact, the history of the formation of the right state was not simple for our state. The first steps to the goal set was made back in 1907, when a smooth transition to the constitutional form of the Board took place, but in 1917 all these ideas were postponed to the far box. Because the Soviet society and the state was formed.

And only after a fairly long time period, namely in 1993 it was confidently said that the state was legal, at least officially. But here it immediately would like to note that the official announcement of such a status still does not mean at all that in fact this state is fully legal.

There are many problems in this area, despite the fact that most of the criteria listed above are not true. Improve there is where, so you need to follow this path, and not to go with it. Thinking civil society for decades ago. In principle, the people themselves are to blame for the fact that this is happening, the whole thing in our mentality, which is categorically different from other nations. There are a lot of positive moments in the Slavs. But there is enough negative, which prevents us from building a truly legal state, and that it was not in words, but in business.

We can be kind and open, besides responsive, but at the same time there are no unity in us when our state needs. We are responsible in homework, as well as family matters, but we do not consider it necessary to be responsible citizens of our country and carry out a number of requirements that the state puts before us, and not because they are unbearable for us, but because we consider it necessary.

We can easily find contact with people, but at the right moment we can not come to the rescue, because something in our same opinion, can threaten us (even if it is self-suggestion and nothing more is just a naive assumption). At the same time, when they ourselves fall into a similar situation. We do not understand why people do not help us. It turns out a kind of cycle of good deeds in nature, and as we treat society, in general, it is subsequently reacted to us.

It is clear that no system in the world can work perfectly, but at the same time, you need to strive to achieve the goal, and not to let all on the samonek, as our people like to do this, we are Slavs. It should be understood that it is impossible to condemn the thief, and at the same time, if necessary, steal yourself to replenish your wallet. The legal state cannot be built on such principles, no matter how we wanted it.

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