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    Someone can perceive this article not at all seriously, because for many to become a deputy - this is from a number of outgoing desire, which seems unreal, because most believe that the deputies are over people, just a celestial, to achieve the heights of which only chosen.
    28.04.2018 402 0
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    Now the late Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin was an influential political personality in the Russian Federation and other countries.
    02.08.2017 407 0
  • State documents
    To become a politician means to be a person, which operates in the executive bodies (members of the Cabinet of Ministers, Prime Minister, President), the Legislative Prime Minister (People's Deputies) or as an official in some party.
    23.11.2014 1067 0
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    To express an active civil position, people seek to enter into the party. Only in this way it is possible to influence the formation of the economy, politics, culture in Russia.
    18.11.2014 804 0

