Churkin Vitaly Ivanovich - biography

Churkin Vitaly Ivanovich - biography

Now the late Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin was an influential political personality in the Russian Federation and other countries. This article represents a brief excursion to his life, ranging from early years and finishing with death.

Churkin Vitaly Ivanovich - before he became a political personality

Born on February 21, 1952, Vitaly Churkin since childhood was distinguished by perseverance and the desire to receive new knowledge. Perhaps it was precisely this and contributed to his life achievements. From an early age, he in-depth studied foreign languages, including English. Already at school age he was a member of the school Komsomol organization.

In addition to the active study of school items, young Vitaly starred in several films, two of which were devoted to Lenin: "Blue Notebook" and "Mother's Heart". Directors saw in him a promising actor, but he refused all the proposed roles in order to completely switch to self-education and academic performance at school. Despite this, it was not possible to get a gold medal, as the school principal was negatively configured against Vitaly.

In 1969, Churkin entered MGIMO USSR. According to his peers and political figures of those times, Vitaly was very independent young men. During the period of total neototism, when in the USSR almost all issues are solved through relations, he was able to succeed.

Churkin Vitaly Ivanovich - Political Life

After graduating from the institute in 1974, Vitaliy 5 years old worked as an office worker in the MID-A translation department. By 1979, he already owned 3 languages: English, French and Mongolian. Churkin, who achieved the title of the first secretary, is sent on a business trip to the United States, where he will work for 7 years. Based on his profession and communication skills, he led active negotiations with representatives of American mass media. Without abandoning the answers to the issues of the American press about the incident with the Korean passenger aircraft, Vitaly Churkin showed himself an excellent diplomat.

We can safely say that Vitaly is a discoverer of relatively modern relations between Russia and the United States. This is evidenced by its numerous presences on various congresses and meetings in America. This before him almost no one did.

Churkin showed excellent rhetoric and skillfully responded to non-metal and incorrect, sometimes even uncomfortable questions of their American colleagues.

From 1991 to 2006, Churkin changed many jobs. So, he was the head of the MID-A Department, then ambassador in the Republic of Chile, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. He headed negotiations during the conflict in Yugoslavia, communicating with all parties to the conflict. Having made a deputy minister, for the first time in the history of the Russian Federation, various briefings were organized to communicate with foreign journalists. All the above-mentioned Actions Vitaly Churkin testify to its large-scale plans to create strong international relations. These events are considered fundamental in strengthening relations from different countries.

From 1992-1994 he was the official representative of the President of Russia. During this period, many treaties with other countries were considered.

In 1994, Churkin holds the position of Ambassador of Russia in Belgium, and in 1998 - in Canada.

Churkin Vitaly Ivanovich - Modern Political Activities

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in 2006 signed a decree in which Vasily Churkin appeared as a permanent representative of Russia at the UN and Sat.

At the UN meeting, Churkin often stated his thoughts sharply and clearly, patriotically defending the interests of Russia. Some of his statements even sounded not very humane. In this regard, some political figures belonged to this not without criticism. Despite this, the diplomat remained a diplomat and in life, trying not to spoil relations with his foreign colleagues. Among his political activities, there are several facts of veto imposing on various resolutions. The overlay of the veto for the first time for the history of Russia was recorded in 2004 by Churkin himself.

Churkin Vitaly Ivanovich - Concent

February 20, in his office in the building of the Representative Office of the Russian Federation in the UN, he had a heart attack, after which he was placed in the New York Hospital, but during resuscitation actions, his heart could not stand.

Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin died at the age of 64 (remained one day until day), February 20, 2017, leaving a large political trail.

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