What does it mean limited to military service?

What does it mean limited to military service?

"Restricted" - such a category is assigned to some conscripts, while it is not always clear what it means, is it worth afraid of such a state of affairs and what threatens in the future?

Classification of suitability for urgent military service

Any young man who has reached the call age is held by the Medical Military Commission, which, in fact, will give conclusion about his shelf life in the service in the army. At the same time, on the fact of inspection and surveys, each young man is assigned a certain category that characterizes his health and the opportunity to serve in the army year without prejudice to it:

  • If the conscript is assigned the letter "A", then this means that it is completely healthy and can be sent to pass the urgent service in an absolutely any military unit, including special purposes.
  • "B" - this letter is assigned to the future recruitment if there are a sharp or chronic diseases, but they should not prevent the service. At the same time, within this category there is own gradation, which goes in the increasing, where "B1" - it is quite suitable for service on a morphlote, and "B4" - can serve in parts where health damage will be minimized, while in the stationery posts.
  • "B" - limited fit. The conscript suffers from diseases that cannot be compatible with the army service.
  • "G" - people marked with this letter, are not subject to call, as they have health problems. However, this restriction is temporary and lasts until the next commission, where it can be canceled.
  • "D" - complete unsuitability for the service in the ranks of the Russian army.

The value of the category "in", limiting the fitness to the service in the army

Young people defined in the category "B" are not sent to the army in fact, as they have problems in terms of health, fully eliminating military service. But, nevertheless, they become employees - this is a kind of military reserve of the country. The military account in the military is assigned to such reservations on the basis of education, and if it is not - then focusing on the skills.

In case of exacerbation of a military situation, implying complete mobilization, which is limited to military service will be called into part 2 of the queue. What does it mean? Private stock with a literary "B" carry the burden of filling losses in the event of war.

Conscripts who have passed the medical commission and obtained a definition to the category "B", can be part of the army only if there is a mass mobilization of all reserves.

The consequences of the assignment category "in" recruit

If we exclude the likelihood of war and take only peacetime, then the consequences of the assignment category "in" will be very tangible. Such people ordered the way to the army under the contract, military training institutions do not accept applicants with the category "B". Work in the police, the structures of UFSIN and other powerful departments will also remain only a dream.

By and large, the future soldiers, conscripts need to be remembered: avoiding service in the army possible, but the consequences of this may also be very poorly for a career and the future. Therefore, do not hurry to rejoice in the category "B" in the distant perspective. Maybe it is worth staying for a year and then live further calmly, work and learn where I want to live, while living with a sense of full-time debt.

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