What documents are needed for temporary registration

What documents are needed for temporary registration

A few years ago, the country passed the news: "Now the registration is not required." Indeed, the registration in her old meaning moved to the background, however, this concept has passed into registration. Now every citizen must have a permanent or temporary registration, and if he lives in an excellent one from its permanent registration place for more than three months, he is obliged to resort to the design of the temporary in this place. Let's try to understand the difficulties of temporary registration.

What is needed by the procedure for temporary registration of citizens

As you already understood, the concept of "registration" can be attributed to a permanent form of registration, temporary carries other reasons, it is distinguished by the design method, and most importantly - for a period.

Temporary registration you will need if you do not have the opportunity to issue a permanent appearance in the place where you live at the moment. For example, if you removed the apartment for a long time, then its owner has quite legal grounds to not enter you on an ongoing basis, but on a temporary one can.

  • If you want to use the services of medical facilities at your place of residence, then temporary registration will help you with this;
  • For loans and loans;
  • To arrange a child in school or kindergarten;
  • Often registration is required for an official device for work;
  • Registration of documentation: passports, certificates, certificates and others;
  • Any social support measures.

Is it possible to place temporary registration in the rented apartment

If you live in a rented apartment for more than three months, then by law you must register in it. However, in life it turns out everything is not so simple, because not every landlord agrees to provide all the necessary documents, sacrifice the time to design your registration. In this case, you will not be able to do anything, because for registration you need the consent of the property owner.

You can only find a respectable landlord and conclude a transparent contract with him to remove housing. Practice in advance that you need a temporary registration, which does not bind the owner.

What documents to provide for temporary registration

Collect such a package of documents:

  • Your passport and a copy of all its filled pages;
  • A document confirming your right to use residential premises. In the case of rent, it will be a contract;
  • Written consent to the registration of all prescribed in this apartment;
  • Property owner passport;
  • If there are several owners, you will have to collect passports and visit organs personally to each of them;
  • Statement of the owner. Download the blank can be here;
  • If this is a private house, then a house book will be required and several copies of it.

The statement indicates the desired date of the time registration. All signatures are assigned by FMS employees. If the apartment is on bail, then the procedure becomes more complicated: you will have to provide the consent of the rental holder or pledge.

As far as temporary registration can be issued

The minimum validity period of this document is half a year from the date of approval. Make temporary registration for three months or four is simply impossible by law. The maximum term is five months. After that, the registration can be issued anew, having collected the same package of documents.

It is worth considering that the procedure is absolutely free, as it refers to the mandatory.

How long is temporary registration

As a rule, the entire procedure takes about eight days. Employees of the FMS will immediately sound the date in which you can pick up the testimony.

The document itself looks like a small reference. You need to wear it in the passport, since without presenting a document certifying the identity, the evidence is invalid. No marks about temporary registration directly into the passport.

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