What documents are needed for the Inn

What documents are needed for the Inn

The taxpayer taxpayer submitted as a numeric code. This sequence of figures is individual and serves to unambiguous identification of a particular tax payer. It is worth noting that the INN is assigned not only to individuals, but also to enterprises to legal entities. How to get your individual number?

Documents for receiving the Inn individual

Personal tax number is assigned to man from the moment of birth (registration). The lack of Inn does not indicate the absence of such a number as such.

Getting INN: Primary appeal

Inn primary issuance is free of charge. To obtain a document, prepare the following packet of papers:

  • The filled application form for a personal number in form 2-2.
  • Passport - if the number is issued to an adult citizen of the Russian Federation (on himself), birth certificate - if the document is issued for a child, whose age did not step over 14 years. Employees can provide a military ticket or a serviceman certificate, refugees are a corresponding refugee certificate.
  • If the personal number is issued for a child, the adult receiving this document should also provide papers on the right to represent the interests of the child.
  • The document with information about the place of residence of the person, whose name is issued by the INN.
  • If the tax accounting number is issued to an adult, but he does not appeal to him personally, to get the Inn may also be his representative with power of attorney.

If a foreign citizen is received by a foreign citizen, the package of documents also complements a notarized translation of the passport (if the certification person does not contain pages in Russian).

Obtaining the INN in case of a loss of document and changes in information about the face

In the case of re-circulation to obtain a personal number in some cases, it is necessary to pay a state fee. The size of the latter is 300 rubles. In what cases is required to re-issue the number of accounting in the tax service?

  • The document is damaged, spoiled or lost. The appeal to the tax service is accompanied by payment of fees, writing a statement (in arbitrary form) to the issuance of a duplicate taxpayer card, as well as the provision of a passport or other identification of the document with an indication of a constant or temporary registration.
  • There was a change in the name of the tax payer. The new INN is issued without paying any payments.

Procedure for submitting documents to obtain the Inn

You can transfer documents to obtain a personal tax number:

  • By personal appeal to the tax service (or through the visit of the representative of the person). In this case, all the papers are provided in the original.
  • By sending a package of documents by mail. When sending documents by mail, notarized copies of all documents are sent, which is associated with certain material costs.
  • Through the electronic tax portal - FNS.. Only an application for issuing a personal number of tax accounting is served. However, the full package of documents must be provided at the stage of receiving a tax accounting card.

Registration of an individual tax card occurs within 5 days after submission of documents. The issuance of the INN is produced either to the applicant personally or the trusted person of the latter (on a notarized power of attorney).

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