What documents are needed for children's benefits

What documents are needed for children's benefits

When birth and raising the child, the state supports the family until the age of majority in the form of material support. Such payments may be one-time, monthly or regional. The total amount of benefits can directly depend on the area of \u200b\u200byour stay, as well as on the specific situation. Try to place a guide for children on tips from this article.

What are the benefits for children

The main payments can be divided into several types:

  • Maternal capital: regional and federal. Material support for the birth of a child has been extended from 2017 indefinitely. A young family can take advantage of the capital amount of housing quality or child support, mother retirement;
  • Maternity benefit. Also applies to material support for the child. When registering a woman can count on vacation and such a type of benefit;
  • One-time payment by childbirth. Designed for just giving birth to women;
  • Care for the child up to one and a half years. Such payments are prescribed monthly and are called a child care benefit. As a rule, they are issued in the name of the mother;
  • Handbook for children up to fourteen, sixteen, as well as eighteen years old. These deductions are intended for special cases in low-income families, for mothers - single and other conditions;
  • Children's benefits for mothers - wives of military personnel, workers of dangerous enterprises.

First you need to see if your family fall under what criteria is your family, and on what benefits it can count on.

Documents for registration of grants in the decree

If a woman finds out about the pregnancy, being of employed, it may qualify for maternity benefits through accounts in the workplace. If it is a student or unemployed, the payment is made through social welfare agencies.

If you are employed:

  • Stand up in a female consultation and make a certificate. It must stand the date of registration, as well as the issue of issuing;
  • Another reference that must be present in the package: a hospital sheet of disability for pregnant women, you can see the sample at the end of the point. The sheet should not have corrections, errors;
  • Help 2 ndfl. It is issued at the workplace, it is for this reference that your manual will be calculated;
  • Your passport.

All documents are given to the personnel department. If you do not work:

  • Certificate from the employment center;
  • Your workbook with copies of all pages;
  • Passport or other document;
  • All of the above medical certificates.

Then all payments will occur through the service of social protection.

Documents for child care benefits

This type of material support is before one and a half years to your children. It is drawn up in the personnel or social service.

The payment period of the benefit can be increased to three years if the family has the status of a large-fashioned, as well as the Father is service. For employed mothers, the package will look like this:

  • Identification;
  • Certificate of birth of the baby;
  • Special certificate from the work of the second parent that he has never received such benefits;
  • A statement in free form.

If the child's mother is not employed or learns:

  • Full extract from the employment record;
  • Help about the composition of the family of the hob;
  • Certificate from the employment center or university;
  • If you received a one-time payment by childbirth, then provide the calculation of it.

Documents for manuals by childbirth

In addition to other payments, a young family has a one-time allowance for childbirth. It is issued on the basis of the following documents:

  • ID and his copy;
  • The birth certificate in the form of F-24;
  • Child's birth certificate;
  • If earlier received similar payments, indicate when and how much;
  • Statement served at the place of work or in a social service.

The main thing to remember that all the broken families may be eligible for benefits through the service of social protection. The amount of benefit will be calculated from the minimum wage rates.

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