What documents are needed for testament

What documents are needed for testament

Sooner or later, any person can think about the will: it is not easy to distribute their property between the heirs, especially if some of them do not have to you relatives. You have the full right to give inheritance your real estate and property not only to children, spouses or relatives, but also to close friends, colleagues. This article will describe in more detail the issue of writing testament, and a list of documents is given.

Do I need to assure a notarial testament

Any testament does not bear legally if you did not assure it in the notary. Such a procedure eliminates the possibility of a fake document, and also clarifies the text. When writing a will, errors are not allowed, meaningful phrases that can be interpreted in two ways, as well as inaccuracies.

Immediately it is worth considering that when 55 years achieved by the testator, the notary may require a special certificate from a psychoneurological dispensary that a citizen is able to sign and draw up such a document. If the testator has already been 70 years old, then the help is provided in mandatory.

What documents will be needed when drawing up a testament

It is here that the first difficulties may arise. The thing is that the law does not oblige the testator to have any documents on the hands that prove the fact of his property. This will have to prove to his heirs.

In modern practice, the notary still asks to confirm the objects of inheritance documented to protect the heirs from hassle and possible problems, since some documents will get it much more difficult than the testator himself.

Thus, the approximate list of documents will look like this:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Necessarily acting;
  • If you have reached the age of 55, you may need a certificate from the psychoneurological dispensary;
  • Proof of your right to property.

The application is written with a notary without the presence of unauthorized persons. The second instance remains in the notarial office in case of loss or theft of your. Hereyou can familiarize yourself with the approximate form of the testament.

Documents in the preparation of the will

One of the most common types of will, as practically every citizen is concerned about the future of its inheritance in the form of real estate.

  • To begin with, you need to determine what exactly you will call: the whole apartment is entirely, its share, or divide between the heirs. If you leave any share without heir, it will go away to the legal heir in order of priority.
  • As soon as you accurately determine the number of heirs, their share, the type of testament, then you can start compiling.
  • In the wills, data on heirs should be clearly indicated: FULL NAME, place of residence, date of birth, if possible, passport data.
  • Specify the date and place of the preparation of the will.
  • Notary will help you to accurately describe the subject of inheritance, in this case the apartment is its address, area. Do not reduce any of these data.

For accurate inventory, you need to provide documents on the apartment and the house book. After OPISI, the notary will return them to you.

What types of testament are

In addition to the well-known open type of will, when you make up and sign it with a notary, exists and closed. With a closed will, you can write it yourself and put in the envelope. A closed envelope is signed by a notary, sealed. At the same time there are two witnesses, which will then be able to confirm the fact of signing.

To compile a closed will, you will have to independently think over its text, exclude inaccuracies. Take a notary only passport.

To exclude errors, look at sample Testaments for all inheritance.

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