How to restore documents on the apartment

How to restore documents on the apartment

When losing or damaging documents certifying the right to an apartment, the first thing you need to notify the police, especially if the documents could be stealing. Only after that you should start collecting all the necessary references that will help get documents and make duplicates. This article will respond to many of your questions.

Where to start recovering documents for an apartment

To begin with, you write a statement to the police so that old documents are canceled and invalid. So you will not leave the attackers of the chance to use them for mercenary purposes. Even if the documents were simply lost, do not refuse to cancel. You still have to restore them, and old copies will be invalid.

The recovery procedure itself depends entirely on the documents that you have lost. It can be:

  • Contract of sale. Many transactions and procedures require such a contract;
  • Certificate registering the right;
  • Evidence of real estate inheritance;
  • Dear agreement;
  • Technical documents on the apartment, or the cadastral passport.

The longest and most difficult to restore is a certificate of ownership. The same document most often appears in various procedures, so it's not worth tightening with a bunch of duplicate.

Documents for issuing a duplicate certificate of ownership

This evidence is issued in confirming the rights about your ownership of the apartment. You can prove these rights and contract on purchase and sale, and donating, and even inheritance, other procedures. If you have such documents, there will be no problems with issuing a replacement, but if you have lost all documents on the apartment, you will have to work pretty.

If you have guidelines:

  • Present your passport of the Russian Federation and attach it to a copy, especially if there is a mark on registration in this apartment in the passport;
  • Attach the guidelines or contracts;
  • Write a statement that will provide you with registration service employees.

In the case when you enter a share, you will have to bring all the owners of the apartment so that they signed the appropriate documents. Duplicate is issued within a month after circulation. Please note that the certificate will stand a mark that it will also be a duplicate, the reason for which it is issued will also be indicated.

If you have lost all documents, first make it possible to restore the right-point contracts.

Restoration of real estate sales contracts

You have several options for developing events:

  • Appeal directly to the real estate seller, which is likely its instance of the document is likely. You can remove a copy from it or present the original immediately;
  • Take a copy of the notary archive. All certified documents in the second copies should be stored in the notarial office in which they were wedge;
  • If you have compiled a contract until 2006, they could do it without compulsory. Then you need to contact the registration service in which you received a contract.

In such a situation, the easiest handling directly in BTI, where information about the property owner is issued on request.

How to restore the cadastral passport and other technical documents

Other similar documents to restore much easier:

  • And the cadastral passport, and the remaining technical documents are restored directly to the BTI after the state duty paid by you;
  • If more than five years have passed since the date of receipt of the documentation, first, the employee of the BTI service should come to your home and make sure that you still have an apartment, after which the certificate is withdrawn from the archive, and you are provided with a duplicate.

In addition, all other documents you can contact Rosreestr, which contains all information about owners of a particular apartment. Do not tighten with the cancellation of existing documents and obtaining the second instance.

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