How to restore the labor book

How to restore the labor book

The employment book contains all the records about your previous and current work, posts, experience and dates of dismissal and acceptance. These data are very important for any employee, since it is precisely using the workbook that it is easier to prove your work experience, which determines not only the size of the future pension, but also other important aspects. If the workbook suddenly is lost, its recovery should be carried out as quickly as possible. In this matter the most important thing - who exactly has lost the workbook. If this was done by the employer, then you will be required to be the minimum, since it will restore the document. If you have lost the book, you will have to independently solve all the questions and receive a new document.

How to restore the labor book if she lost his employer

In fact, it does not matter at all, lost her employer or inadvertently spoiled, destroyed, they were sore. Recovery will occur through it. All you need in this situation is to write a statement with the requirement to give you a duplicate workbook and send it to the employer.

Download application you can right hereby clicking on the link. You need to fill out personal data, date and time of filling and put a signature. Also, the statement indicates all previous places of work, as far as you can recall them, as well as the dates of work on them.

All other actions lie on the tenant's shoulders who lost the document.

How to restore the labor book if she lost it

The law clearly indicates you to the actions you have to commit, namely, contact your last employer with a request to give a duplicate workbook. Indeed, if you have lost your document, you can restore it at the same place of work, even if you do not work there for a long time.

Especially simple, the process, if you have not worked anywhere before, then the former employer makes all the information in the duplicate of the employment record, indicates your experience, awarding and other information.

However, if before that you worked in other places, then the situation will slightly delay. Then the former employer must assist you to establish an exact experience. Namely: you can provide all your own certificates, contracts, other documents that confirm that you really worked in other enterprises.

However, if you do not have any evidence of the former places of work, then the employer will have hands, and you will have to go on your own former jobs.

How to restore the labor book if the former employer no longer exists

It often happens that the company has been liquidated or the organization simply ceases to exist for one reason or another. Then the restoration of the employment record can be carried out through the Russian Pension Fund.

Of course, this is provided that you have been officially worked, since otherwise the experience is not counted in any case, and I do not put records in the book.

In the FIU, the appeal must be directed personally through the nearest separation or by mail. The Fund considers your application within ten working days and gives all the necessary information about the timing of your experience and the names of enterprises.

However, you should remember that the FIU leads such an account not so long ago, so your old jobs may not be there. In this case, the question is solved only through the court.

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