How to make a testament

How to make a testament

Sooner or later, any citizen thinks over the preparation of the will, as the property wants to convey trusted and close people. In addition, not only blood relatives can be heirs, but also your friends, acquaintances, colleagues. There are many nuances and subtleties in drawing up, you should take care of them in advance. This article will help you.

Who can become a testator

Foreigners, citizens with refugee status and other adult citizens can create a testament. Main conditions:

  • You have a document certifying the person: passport, a residence permit, a refugee status certificate, a foreign passport, which is registered in Russia.
  • You have eighteen years old, or you received legal capacity after the onset of sixteen years by court. This decision is made if the teenager is engaged in entrepreneurial activities, is married and under some other conditions.
  • All the property you want to call belongs only to you and you can prove it documented.

Thus, any citizen can be the testator who can confirm his identity, legal capacity, as well as the right to the property of the test property.

Types of wills

Tests can be divided into three types:

  • Open wills;
  • Closed type of wills;
  • Emergency.

The very first type of testament is the most frequent. In this case, you make a testament from the notary and officially assure it. The specialist will help you in this case and will indicate errors, put print and signature. You will need all the necessary documents and signatures, as well as evidence of the right to property.

If we talk about the closed type of testament, it is more rare, usually people who deal with large sums are used by such a testament and want to leave everything in secret. Such a document is written by a personally by the testator and signs two witnesses at least. After that, the testament is sealing and not opened to the specified day.

The last extraordinary type is quite rare. This testament is drawn up by a person who was in a dangerous life situation and is forced to write a document himself. Such wills are subject to careful check, but are executed. The authenticity of the will is considered in court.

Basic Recommendations for Filling Testament

To begin with, pay attention to such tips and conditions:

  • You can make a testament not only to relatives, but also just familiar people;
  • The testament can be changed, rewrite and submitted to it;
  • Such a document is necessarily written by hand;
  • You can divide the property on the share and assign your own to each heir;
  • It is worth considering the rules of inheritance. After all, your blood heirs will be able to get a stake if something will happen with the testament.

You can download sample statements by link And by type to draw your thoughts on paper. Notary will help you correct inconsistencies.

  • It is necessarily indicated by the date of filling and signature is set. No ambiguous wording is allowed, try to express thoughts as simple as possible and shorter.
  • Should be an indication of the place of drawing up your document;
  • Full passport details, date of birth, full name of the testator;
  • Specifying the number of copies and copies of the will;
  • List of heirs;
  • Data on the paid state duty.

You can specify all the conditions for obtaining the inheritance, for example, to specify the number of full years of the recipient, which it should achieve. However, you do not have the right to indicate how the heir should be disposed of property.

If you are faced with a rather difficult design of the inheritance, then you should contact a competent specialist who will consider all the options for the donation of property. You will be able to draw up contracts of transmission or complete donation instead of the testament indicating the conditions. Before making the will, you need to think about the share well and divide them between the heirs.

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