How to pay for state duty for passport

How to pay for state duty for passport

The registration of the passport must begin with the collection of documents for submission to the FMS and payment and payment of state duty, because it is a prerequisite in this process. The bodies providing document design must independently follow the payments that come. But citizens for confidence provide evidence of payment. Consider how in time and correctly pay for the service.

The concept of state duty

When committing legal actions (submission of an application to court, real estate accounting, etc.), people need to contact the state authorities to pay a certain amount called the state duty. For registration of passport all actions similar. The main condition for issuing this document is the presence of a check confirming the payment of state duty.

Payment scheme of state duty for passport

In principle, paying the duty is quite easy, but sometimes there are questions with the filling of the Blanca itself, the place of payment and the search for the details of the subject of the Russian Federation, where the application is submitted in the UFMS. Payment confirmation is a receipt, it must be presented with the rest of the documents.

Bank details for each region are different, you can clarify them on the UFMS website. Finished receipts should be printed, they will include details of a certain region. You stay to make your data as well as the date of payment.

It is very important to test the receipts of the receipt before paying, because they may include old information. In the case when there is no receipt of your region, you can use virtual services to fill documents or print a blank without requisites, and then fill it with my own.

Filling the form of the receipt to pay the state duty for the passport

The receipt should include such information:

  • props of organs where the payment is intended;
  • date;
  • sum;
  • payment type.

The last two points depend on the age of the applicant and the term of the document.
The design of the old sample document in the "Appointment of payment" implies the choice of the point of payment for the registration of a passport, and when the biometric application is made in this paragraph, the payment of a passport, which includes electronic media, is indicated.

The amount for payment should correspond to the type of passport of an old sample or biometric.
Also arise questions who contribute to the Charter's information. So, if the payer is an adult, then everything is clear here. If this is a minor child, then all actions must be made on behalf of his representatives. At the request of the FMS, the questionnaire must be made on behalf of the parents, but some regions require the data of the child.

After everything is filled, you need to choose a more convenient way of paying state duty.

How to pay the state duty for a passport in the bank branch

This method involves the choice of the nearest branch of any bank and payment duties with cashira-operator. Previously, you need to fill the downloaded form. In this form, bank details will be indicated, where funds will affect. The applicant must make the purpose of payment, its name, the size of the collection, check the codes and put the signature. The paid receipt must be applied with the rest of the documents for filing in the FMS.

How to pay state duty for passport through the payment terminal

This is the easiest payment method. In the self-service terminal, the details are constantly updated, which eliminates errors when data enters. Since the terminal does not give out, so the surplus will be redirected to the payer number.

How to pay state duty for passport through and noternet-service

Today you can pay a fee sitting at home with the help of the service on the Internet. This will require online registration For information for logging in service. After this, you can enter your office and find the section "Payments". Then choose the payment point for duties, then the "Federal Migration Service" and the desired type of payment. A questionnaire will appear in the window to introduce information about the payer that you want to fill and click "pay". After that, check all the data, confirm and print the check. Before you use this way, you need to know the relevance of this option for a particular region, because in some subjects of the Russian Federation there is no such possibility.

Return of state duty for passport

If you are denied the issuance of a passport, then you can return your funds. For this you need:

  • Create an application for the return of money with the specified reason and provide it with the FMS bodies.
  • Attach a check on payment, an extract.

For three years, the payer can return the paid fee. If the authorities decide a positive decision, then the money will be returned within a month with submission of the application.

The method of payment of duty does not affect the refund. The only condition is the presence of a payment check.

Payment of duty is an important stage when making a passport. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the changes that occur in this procedure.

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