How to pay state duty for passport through state services

How to pay state duty for passport through state services

Paying for state duty in advance via the Internet is convenient at least that you do not have to tear yourself from the main design of documents and stand in the queue of the bank. Especially if you make up a passport personally. In view of the change of the format of the state service site, some users do not know that payment of state duty directly from the section of the migration service is not available, so you are offered another way. Visual algorithm you will see in this article.

Go to the site and log in through the "Personal Account" button. Using the old version of the state service is now impossible.

Use your mobile phone and password from the site that you specified during registration.

Now go to the "Payment" section in the header of the site.

In the left menu, click on the "Win Payment" string. Recently, on all government accounts, receipts and payments, you can find a special Win code, which is easy to make payment. Therefore, it is enough for you to know the code for payment of state duty for a passport to make a payment.

Enter the numbers, go to payment from the card. The service accepts Visa and MasterCard payments.

Since the summer of 2017, all citizens will be able to pay state duty by passport in the section of the Migration Service of the Russian Federation. So, you do not have to introduce any more data.
So far, the site hangs the announcement of the upcoming technical works on the portal and the introduction of such a possibility no later than July 1, 2017.

The state duty for the passport of the old sample will be 2000 rubles, if it is drawn up to the child up to fourteen years - thousand rubles. The new passport costs 3500 rubles, for children - 1500. Do not forget that premature payment of the state duty will free you from unplanned visits to the bank and excessive spending time.

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