How to register for tax

How to register for tax

The organization of their business requires an adequate approach to all stages of introducing this project to life. One of these steps is to design in the tax inspectorate. Of course, until a certain point, you can upgrade with this, however, if you plan to develop your business, you will have to register with the tax.

Deciding with the form of entrepreneurial activities, go to the site FNS. To familiarize yourself with the most relevant information. In general, the registration process for individual entrepreneurs, legal entities and farms is different only by a package of documents, the deadlines for the issuance of evidence of the same.

The site acts online recording For full-time reception. Define details and location of your department can also be through the appropriate service. Look for the office at the place of registration, and in the absence of it - at the place of permanent residence.

Form a package of documents for submitting to your department. List Next:

  1. For individual entrepreneurs:
    • statement (P21001);
    • passport and its copy;
    • receipt of the payment of state duty (eight hundred rubles).
  2. For legal entities:
    • application for the opening of a legal entity in the creation;
    • decision on the creation of a legal entity;
    • constituent documents (2 copies);
    • extract from the register of foreign legal entities (for co-founders - foreign citizens);
    • receipt of payment of state duty (four thousand rubles).
  3. For registering farming:
    • statement on state registration of peasant economy;
    • copy of the passport;
    • receipt about the payment of state duty.

Application form for the opening of a legal entity You can download on our site.

You can submit documents personally through a trustee or email. Separate state duty individual entrepreneurs and legal entities can here.

To date, when registering Ltd. no longer need to make half of the authorized capital, now the co-founder can now pay its share for four months. The address of the legal entity is considered the address of the leader's location - rental premises, personal office or home address.

An example of a completed application for the opening of a legal entity Swing here.

During the calendar week, tax inspection workers will prepare registration documents for you. On the FTS website you can familiarize yourself with lawregulating the registration of IP and Yul, as well as with the most fresh amendments to it.

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