Documents for inheritance

Documents for inheritance

As a rule, the inheritance implies not only the receipt of property, but also the inheritance of the dedication of the deceased. Therefore, the law provides for the refusal of inheritance: you independently decide on inheritance. If you still decided to accept this, you will have to collect a special package of documents that depends on the situation. In this article, you will get acquainted with the order and principle of inheritance.

Timing of inheritance

As soon as the inheritance opens, you have no more than six months to get it. This period is clearly established by law, so Igrow it, you lose your right to property.

It also happens that the priority heirs refuse property, or ignore it at all. In such a situation, the right is transferred to the heirs of the second group, but they have even less time - only three months. During this short period, you need to have time to collect a lot of documents so as not to tighten the process and not lose the reserved share.

Package of documents when entering into inheritance

The legislation is arranged so that it is not necessary to prove their right to property, but heirs. If, when drawing up this document, your relative has taken care of providing a number of evidence, then you will be much easier, however, no such evidence.

To begin with, you will need such a list of documents:

  • Application for entry into inheritance. Its form can change a little from the type of inheritance, which will be mentioned later. Download the form can link.
  • Proof that the testator died or recognized as a dead court. On the fact of this, death certificate is issued.
  • Certificate of personality - passport.
  • If the inheritance goes without a testament, according to the law, then you need to confirm the degree of kinship, for example, a birth certificate.
  • Testament itself, if available.
  • Extracts from the housebook with the confirmation of the address of the prevention address.
  • You may need a written waiver of the claim to the inheritance from relatives.

That's what the package of documents, without proof of the will of the subject. Next you need to add a reference and evidence that proves the rule of the testator for probate.

The package of documents in succession to property

In addition to these documents, you will need:

  • All the documents of title to real estate;
  • The estimated value of the property on the date of death of the testator;
  • Technical documents: from BTI and the Cadastral Chamber;
  • In the Unified State Register is necessary to make sure that the property is not seized, and it no claims about it you will be given a certificate;
  • Statement of account, which indicates that the debt on utility bills not;
  • The absence of tax arrears.

Only after that you can write an application for membership in the inheritance.

The package of documents in succession to movable property

Such property may include a car, which is also quite common:

  • You will need a certificate of registration of the vehicle by the testator;
  • Treaties and PTSD;
  • Vehicle assessment instruments;
  • Other documents on request notary.

What are the types of inheritance

There are two types:

  • Testamentary succession. The heir may be a relative of the deceased even if it is specified in the will;
  • Inheritance by law. If the deceased has not made a will, his property goes to a direct heir. decision procedure is also provided.

With both types of inheritance you may encounter with the procedure division of the inheritance between the legitimate heirs. In this case, you have to write statement on division. It is necessary to accurately specify the inheritance data, shares division, your passport details. The division is made by the notary personally.

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