Documents for registration of inheritance

Documents for registration of inheritance

After death, a person leaves some property, which according to the law should go to his direct heirs, that is, first children and spouse. As soon as the inheritance opens, a lot of disputes may arise in the family and distribute property and its correct orders. To protect yourself from such unpleasant discussions, find out how documents will need for the design of the inheritance and confirm its legality.

How inheritance occurs

There are two main types of property transfer:

  • Legal inheritance. This is the transfer of total legislation on legislation. In most cases, spouses of the dead and children become heirs. If these persons for personal reasons refuse inheritance, the inheritance is entering by secondary heirs;
  • Inheritance by will. If the dead made a testament and described in detail in it the transfer of property, the division will occur strictly by the will of the deceased.

In both cases, heirs will have to independently assemble a large package of documents to prove the legality of the transfer of property, as well as the fact of the deceased ownership.

It must be remembered that the inheritance remains open for six months after the date of death. If the priority heirs abandoned property, then the secondary remains only three months to make decisions and collect documents.
In the case of the will, everything is also similar: when the death of those persons that are indicated in the will, all the inheritance passes their heirs.

What documents will have to gather

The collection is better to start gradually, overcoming one task after another:

  • First, deal with the collection of documentation to confirm your relationship with the dead if the inheritance occurs according to the law. Most often, you will be enough to provide a birth certificate, but if the surname or name has been changed, you will also need a certificate of changing the name;
  • When inheritance occurs in the testament, you will give an instance of the testament. It must be twice signed by a notary: the first time on the day of drawing up, the second - on the day of issuing the heir;
  • Proprietary documents of the deceased: if we are talking about real estate, then take a certificate about the place of residence inheritance, the house book, an extract from BTI;
  • Statement on the consent of inheritance;
  • Your passport and its copy.

This is how the main list looks like, however, it can become much longer, depending on the inheritance items.

List of secondary documents

A request to such documents can be sent very often:

  • Failure to all legitimate heirs from property. It is fed in writing;
  • Estimated data on the cost of movable and immovable property objects on the death day of the testator. Based on these documents, you are most likely to pay notary services;
  • Help from the USRP about the absence of any debts, arrests and collaterals;
  • Technical reference number 2 on the immovable object;
  • Cadastral plan.

It is worth understanding that you can demand many other documents that will help confirm your right to the specified property.

What does the inheritance implies?

Many citizens, signing consent to inheritance, do not even imagine that it means actually.

  • The thing is that you not only get the property of the deceased, but also his debts. If the face was issued, debt, then it will go to you. First make sure that there is no such debt on the dead.
  • All debts that had to be returned to the deceased will now be returned to you.
  • Independently content and disposal of all objects in the list of property.

After considering all the documents, you will be issued a certificate for the right of property inheritance. Already with him you contact the authorized bodies to arrange one or another inheritance.

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