How to make a permanent residence?

How to make a permanent residence?

Designation The word registration is probably familiar to everyone. In the Russian Federation, every citizen must be registered somewhere. There is a permanent registration and, accordingly, for a while, let's talk about the first one today, and we'll figure it out how to do the residence permanent nature that it is necessary for this and for what purposes it is desirable to have it.

The essence of registration on an ongoing basis

To begin with, let's find out what registration in question is. So, a permanent registration:

  • gives you the opportunity to any citizen on the basis of the law to live an unlimited amount of time in the premises of residential type
  • this mark is necessarily fixed in the passport, without this, the considered type of registration cannot be legal
  • permanent registration among other things, gives a citizen some privileges in the field of use of social type benefits. This includes the possibility without any difficulty and overpayments to use the services of various social institutions, including wellness and medical.

As regards the practice, so nowhere else has nowhere, if you do not have a registration - you can't get enough work on any job, and unofficial work is prosecuted, so this fact should be borne. The law does not register a clause on the mandatory presentation of registration with a device for work, but employers do not take people without preferred in a passport for basic and legal work.

It should be noted that it is necessary to register (obtain a residence permit), it is necessary for the deadlines specified by law, because the late fulfillment of the requirements under consideration is punishable by law, namely the recovery of 2-4 thousand Russian rubles is established.

Among other things, it may not be consequeled to the owner of housing, where citizens live without registration.

Process of registration

First of all, I would like to say about why the registration under consideration is needed. The fact is that the procedure is necessary for the state to be able to be able to record citizens in a particular settlement. This registration is made not on the initiative of legislation and government, but at the request of the applicants who want to live in a formal order in a particular living room. It is clear that one desire of the applicants is not enough to receive registration, here is the owner of a particular real estate.

Any type of registration is an act of civil registration on the location of its stay or direct residence. In order to notify the location of the territorial importance, it is necessary, necessarily to refer to persons from a certain statement.

In order to quickly and without any problems, it is obligatory at this event all participants in the transaction under consideration should be present at this event, namely, the owner of the property, where the person will prescribe, and the citizen himself, who expressed the desire to be prescribed in the residential premises.

If we talk about registration at the place of permanent residence, then:

  • Such a registration is called constant, which means that no limiting dates does not have this registration, a person has the right to live in a residential premises as much as it considers it necessary.
  • In order to get it to a citizen enough for the owner of the premises agreed to register a particular citizen in the formal order.
  • An exception in this case can only be a child who can be registered in possession of his parents even without their consent.
  • In this case, the process passes through the court, and it is the judicial decision that becomes the basis for registering a child in any residential room, which is owned by his parents or one of them.

If we talk about the place of stay, then:

  • A citizen must be registered in the settlement (regardless of its size, population and type) in case its stay in it is more than three months, if more precisely, 90 days.
  • In order to get the registration of the type under consideration, the citizen must contact the passport table at its actual location.
  • To make this document, the citizen will need to issue a statement, as well as bring the consent of the owner's consent to the appropriate authority.
  • It should be noted that the seal in the passport of a citizen can only be put in the event that it does not have a constant registration in this document.
  • Registration of a temporary type may also be available for citizens who have permanent registration in the passport, it is also worth considering if necessary.

It should be noted that temporary registration can give no more than 5 years.

Registration that is permanent

Register indoors (in this case, all the time we are talking about the premises of an exceptionally residential type) on an endless amount of time, it is possible only if the property is privatized. It should also be noted that all information on this subject must be made to the house book. Such a residence can only be carried out by the owners of an apartment or other residential premises. This registration was terminated solely at the request of the owner of a dwelling.

The presence of permanent registration gives the right to any citizen to live without obstacles in one or another housing (placement of a residential type). Among other things, the presence of this note in the passport makes it possible to contact the hospital for free, led a child in kindergarten, school and other similar institutions.

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