How to give up inheritance

How to give up inheritance

Become a happy heir, like in classical novels, and to hear into his pleasure - such a winning card falls infrequently, and owners of unexpected wealth thanks to fate. But what to do, if the reinforced property is not happy at all, is it possible to abandon the inheritance?

In order to subsequently, the law has emerged about the rights to enter into inheritance, the law allocated a sufficient period - 6 months from the death of the testator. During this time, the heir can think carefully, he wants to get this property or not.

It would seem who does not want to get the inheritance? But sometimes there are situations where the inheritance causes only the troubles - an old house in a village or property, inheriting which you risks forever to quarrel with other family members applying for him. It is also worth remembering that entering into the rights of inheritance, you get not only the property of the deceased, but also his debts, and this is not always profitable. Fortunately, there is always the opportunity to give up inheritance. The procedure is very similar to the one when it is design.

First of all, it is worth contacting the notary and, submitting documents confirming that you are the heir (passport, testament, documents that confirm related ties with the testator), write an application for a refusal of inheritance.

It should be known that you can refuse only from your share of inheritance, and, like when it is design, the heir has 6 months since the death of the testator. Interestingly, the fact that you can abandon the inheritance in someone's favor or even without specifying the person specifically, then the share of equally will be divided between other heirs. It is logical that it is possible to refuse inheritance only in favor of someone from the heirs, and not an unauthorized person.

Does the heir have the right to refuse property if all documents are already decorated? Of course: if it was not six months old, then visiting the notary, and after the expiration of this period through the court, but it will be necessary to provide evidence that the term is missed for a good reason.

Often there are cases when the heir comes into their rights, and only after 6 months financial organizations are addressed to him, demanding the return of the debt of the testator. And when it turns out that these debts exceed the value of the property, it is natural that the heir wants to abandon the inheritance - but too late, nothing can be taken in this situation. Become a heir is a very responsible step, and it is better to study all the questions in advance so that then do not regret your decision.

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