Agreement purchase and sale of bills

Agreement purchase and sale of bills

A bill of exchange is one of the ways to carry out settlements between enterprises and organizations. To date, this is not the most common method of doing business, but some institutions are actively using this type of securities. If you have a bill in stock, or you think about using it, it is important to know how the operations with these documents are performed. Let's consider in more detail what the bill of sale of bills looks like.

Commands with a bill of exchange is a rather rare phenomenon. However, those who are interested in this market, should know the features of its use. The details of this document are strictly determined by the legislation, and the absence of one or another criterion fully deprives its legal force.

There are such varieties of bills:

  • Simple - here without additional conditions, the obligation to pay the entire specified amount;
  • Transfer (or Tratta) - includes a special order for its use. At the same time, the participants of the transaction becomes three (securities holder, buyer and seller).

At the legislative level, there is a "bill right", which interprets the features of this security and its use. In addition to the article 815 Civil Code of the Russian Federation, A bill is dedicated Law of the Russian Federation "On Simple and Transfer Warehouse"which is fully identical to the provisions international Property Convention, and law of the Russian Federation "On the securities market". Here are prescribed: complex terminology in the relationship between the sale and sale by transferring bills, the procedure for handling it, controversial situations between partners when making such transactions.

So, you are the happy owner of this valuable document and have the need to sell it profitable. In this case, it should be understood that its profitability depends on many factors, including the term, amounts, names, situations in the financial market, etc. Therefore, before performing a deal, you need to analyze and calculate benefits. Sale take only on the basis of the contract, do not allow any oral agreements or receipts, since when there is no reason for the reason for the proof, you will not have enough. Before making a contract, the buyer provides a payment order to the Bank to transfer funds to a bill account. Do not forget to demand from the buyer its bank details. After payment, the contractual document should be issued within a day term.

The contract of sale should include such mandatory items:

  1. Type of bill;
  2. Its series and sequence number;
  3. Number of securities;
  4. The name of the letterhead and the credit holder, information about the members of the transaction - addresses, contact details and bank details;
  5. Price criterion;
  6. Date of paperwork;
  7. Payment period;
  8. Location of the transaction;
  9. The cost of the transaction;
  10. Other conditions, challenge.

All items of the contract must be preliminarily stated by both parties to the transaction.

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The preparation and transfer of the security itself must be made after the signing of the contract of sale. Remember that her date should coincide with the date of transfer of money for a bill account. A bill of exchange is transmitted to the buyer or authorized person (specified in advance) no later than the day after signing the document.

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At the end of the transaction, the ownership of it is transferred together with the bill, and in the future you will not be able to dispose of or make it possible to pay for payment. However, it is possible to make a contract in such a way that it specifically indicated the acquisition of absolutely all rights to valuable paper - in this case there are two parallel transactions. Not only possession of a bill of exchange, but also all the cessions associated with this document are purchased. All controversial moments and conflict situations under the contract of sale can be challenged in court, which is governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation ( article 5 of the Law "On Simple and Transfer Wrecles").


Having studied the described instructions, now you should not have problems when issuing a bunch of bill of exchange. Remember: Competently compiled document is the key to the success of doing business in the securities market.

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