Non-residential building contract

Non-residential building contract

Incorrect compilation of the shape of the contract of sale makes it invalid. In this article, we will consider the requirements that are presented to the compilation of the contract for the sale of non-residential building.

Top part. The form of contracts is regulated by the article 434 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It should be known that individuals and enterprises, as well as cities represented by the sellers and buyers, as well as cities in the person of the relevant authorities. Instead of a seller or buyer, the contract may affect their representatives. To do this, it is necessary to refer to a document that provides the right to a certain person to perform actions on behalf of one of the parties. It is important to specify the name of this document, the number, date and authority. At the top, specify:

  • title of the contract;
  • place of its compilation;
  • the date of drawing up with capital letters;
  • names of the parties.

Blank and sample filling in the contract of sale of non-residential building you can download here:

Subject. Specify the name of the subject of sale, which is subject to the transfer to the buyer (in our case a non-residential building). Be sure to designate the type of right, which confirms that a non-residential building is the property of the seller. You must refer to the appropriate document. Specify its name, number, date and authority. The seller's guarantees on the absence of arrests, pledges or rights of third parties should be described. It is important to know that the land plot on which it is located is located when selling a building in the property of the buyer. In the form, it is necessary to present the data that determines its location:

  • address;
  • inventory number;
  • square;
  • cadastral passport.

Price. If a non-residential building is sold on credit with installments, be sure to specify order, deadlines and amounts of payments. If the buyer pays the amount in full, just enter its document.

The procedure for the transfer of non-residential building. Property transfer is carried out using a special transfer act. After presenting the non-residential building, the buyer two sides should sign a transmission act. After the execution of this point, the transfer of property will be made, but the buyer will be considered the owner only after the state registration of the compiled contract.

Download the form and sample of the transfer act:

Rights and obligations of the parties. Describe the rights and obligations of each side separately.

Disputes and responsibility. Describe the responsibility that the seller and the buyer will suffer for non-compliance with the duties under the contract. Also describe the procedure for resolving disputes. Do not forget to include individual situations, when the parties occur will not be responsible for failure to fulfill the established obligations.

Conclusion. Specify the number of created instances of the document and attach the application (if any). You have the right to describe and additional conditions. Remember that the number of copies should be equal to the number of participants. Another separate copy must be sent for storage of the Federal State Registration Service, Cadastre and Cartography in Rosreestre.

Signatures. Specify addresses and payment details of the seller and the buyer. At the end, they must put their signatures or print organizations (for legal entities). Remember that contracts that have more than one sheet must be numbered and flashing.

In the absence of information in any of the above items, the contract for the sale of a non-residential building will be considered invalid. Before signing it, carefully check the correctness of the compilation. Thus, you will protect yourself from misunderstandings in the future.

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