How to insulate water pipes

How to insulate water pipes

The main part of the country house water supply is in the thickness of the Earth. It is on this site that in winter low temperatures are affected, which can lead to freezing of water inside the pipes and, as a result, breakage of the water supply system. You can avoid this by using one of the following ways of insulation of pipes.

Most simple way, not requiring financial costs on acquisition additional equipment and materialpad plumbing pipe on depth, exceeding level promials soil. V addiction from region, this value fluctuate and maybe compose from 1 before 2,5 meters. but despite on my simplicity, this way insulation it has mass disadvantages. Infirst, to you have to to do colossal work on ryt trenches depth 2,5 meteron this is wait unreasonable many forces and of time. Insecond, v case appearance necessible conduct even not difficult repair to you have to all fully skip, a after fall asleep again.

Next wayusage air interlayers. Essence his comes down to tom, what plumbing pipe inserted inside cheap sewage, in the middle which located thin steel wire, needless for fAST replace pipe, seven v dissenting.

The use of heating electrical cable has also been widely used. Such a cable may be located both inside the plumbing pipe and be attached to it outside. It is fixed throughout the plumbing highway, ranging from the well or well and ending with the unheated rooms of your home. When it is used to lay pipes of sufficiently trenches, the depth of only 70 centimeters. Today, the construction materials market are widely represented as sets of pipes with already mounted heating cable and pipes without cable, but with a channel prepared for it in advance. The main disadvantage of this method is the increase in electricity costs. This problem is solved by purchasing autonomous sources of electricity. However, they are also not cheap and require permanent service.

Given the shortcomings of the methods described above, it is not surprising that the most popular and widely used methods of insulation of water pipes are the use of special insulation. The oldest and tested of such materials are glass gamble, mineral wool and palable. The layer of the insulation made from the packley, it will surely serve you for 10-12 years, and if it is impregnated with paint during styling, it will increase by 2 times. Mineral or glass gamble is more efficient as insulation. A layer of insulation thickness of only 5 centimeters reliably protects your plumbing from frost, laid at a depth of 50 centimeters.

Basalt insulation is an excellent heat insulating material, which does not require special skills. It is hollow cylinders made from basalt threads and topped with a layer of waterproofing. The only drawback is too big price.

Foamed polyethylene and polyurethane foam are modern insulation, widely used for insulation of pipes both in the thickness of the Earth and outside. They consist of a cylinder longitudinally divided into two parts. The method of their installation is extremely simple - the material is put on the pipe and fixed using the tape. Low cost and high thermal insulation features brought out foamed polyethylene and polyurethane foam into a leading place among insulation.

Polystyrene foam is another modern insulation consisting of the pellets interconnected from suspension polystyrene. The material is characterized by increased rigidity and is produced in the form of a hemisphere connected to each other using a special lock located along the entire length of both ends.

Polyfoam is another polystyrene derivative. It is characterized by excellent moisture resistance, excellent thermal insulation and low cost. Due to the combination of these factors, the material took its niche in the market of thermal insulation materials.

Owning this information, you will not carefully select a thermal insulation material that reliably protects your water supply and does not hit the budget.

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