How to insulate the floor on the loggia

How to insulate the floor on the loggia

Often the loggia in the apartment is used for drying linen after washing or to store unnecessary things. But I want to make a comfortable seating area with a small flower garden. It is very easy to embody the dream, warm enough to warm all the surfaces of the cold loggia. It should be started with sex, since as a result, its level will rise by several centimeters.

It makes sense to warm the loggia that is glazed. The insulation is used by foam, mineral wool or ceramzite. Polyfoam is a very common thermal insulation material in the form of white plates. It is light and cheap, but very fragile. Ceramzite - bulk material with a porous structure, very easy to install. During operation, a lot of dust is formed. For technology, it is required to lay a layer of more than 15 cm.

Mineral wool is considered more easy to use. Thanks to the fibrous structure, this material has excellent heat insulating qualities. It is better to acquire cotton in the plates, and not in a roll. Plates of mineral wool have an additional coating of foil.

Selecting the material for insulation, proceed to work. As the first layer, it is recommended to pave a waterproofing film. Especially it makes sense to do if your loggia is located on the first floor. When choosing as a heater of foam or mineral wool, you will need to make a wooden crate. For this, the bars are taken by a cross-section of 50 × 50 mm and a length of the bandwidth of the balcony, and are attached to a dowel to the concrete floor. The distance between the bars is determined by the dimensions of the insulation.

The plates of the heat-insulating material are stacked in two layers. In order to achieve the best effect of insulation, the material is located in principle to the crate, and its integrity should not be disturbed. From above, a layer of vapor barrier film or foil is paired to protect against the flow of moisture from above. The resulting design assemble a coating of boards or plywood.

If the floor of the loggia has significant differences, it is better to use clamzite for insulation. On the entire surface of the floor, the film is spinning and several beacons are exhibited from above. The material falls asleep and slightly tamples, then a liquid cement solution is poured. The reinforcing mesh is installed on top, which causes a cement screed 3 cm thick. Depending on the room temperature, the process of complete drying can last a month. After that, you can lay any kind of floor covering.

Another way to insulate the floor on the loggia is the installation of electric heating floor. This is an expensive, but very effective way. The base of the floor is resurrected by a foil or other heat transfer material. Then the insulation is glued - the film infrared layer. In order for moisture to penetrate the layer, use the film. As a final coating, it is better to give preference to a laminate or parquet board.

Choosing one of the proposed options, you can easily turn your loggia into a cozy and comfortable place. It will be possible to equip it under the workbook or place for privacy over a cup of fragrant tea.

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