How to insulate the attic do it yourself

How to insulate the attic do it yourself

The hosts are trying to use the useful area at the maximum through the arrangement of the residential attic room - the attic. As a rule, this space is excellent for the bedroom equipment, a cabinet or a greenhouse. But only under the condition of high-quality internal insulation of the attic. Technology and requirements for the use of materials are general, regardless of the purpose and planning of the room, as well as the roof configuration.

Since the attic is a colder room, unlike others, and does not have a "heat pillow", it is recommended to use the highest quality thermal insulation materials. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the surfaces under the roof are uneven, many beams rafters, and the layer of insulation should cover everything without "rush" and weaknesses - for example, unprotected bitch. In this case, the moisture should not accumulate outside the thermal insulation layer. All this is achieved when choosing a suitable insulation.

Materials are suitable for the insulation of the attic:

  • Styrofoam. This material is a budget and convenient solution. Due to the small weight of the slabs, they are easy to install, moreover, it does not significantly increase the weight of the roof. However, the foam is poorly conducted by steam, so in the room there is dampness, and is of interest to mice. In the process of "Drying" rafted gaps, formed between them and foam plates, are increasing, therefore drafts are observed.
  • Mineral wool. Also is a popular option. Even if it is incorrectly to cut the material, more a couple of several centimeters than the gap between the rafters, it will still work out to lay the plates, slightly squeezing them. Minvat elastic, so after installation they will deal as in its nest.
  • Glasswater. This material today is the cheapest, but when it is styling, certain inconveniences arise. A lot of dust stands out, so be sure to wear a protective suit, gloves, mask and glasses. Of the benefits, I also want to note the absence of toxicity and high resistance to fire.
  • Polystyrene foam. It is placed on top of the system rafters, and the ventilation gap creates between the plates and the roof. But for the inner heat insulation, it will not fit. However, the polystyrene can be insulated with frontons.
  • Polyurethan. It is applied using a special portable installation that feeds under pressure, by spraying, so successfully falls on any surface, including curvilinear. With such thermal insulation, a layer is obtained without the occurrence of gaps, and there is also no need to lay a vapor insulation material.
  • Equouthat. Another sprayed material. It has properties similar to wood. In addition, an antiseptic is present in the composition, which makes it possible to prevent damage to the insulation. When applied, as used by polyurethane foam, a solid cover is formed, which does not seek over time.
  • DVP. This material is used, as a rule, for the insulation of the attic, located above the bath. Plates are characterized by high sound and thermal insulation. During operation, they do not change the form. Due to the smooth surface, you can save on the preparation of walls to finish.

Consider the procedure for insulation of the attic, starting from the roof. Considering the location of the skates under a slope, it is necessary to choose the material that subsequently does not change the shape and size. For this, the basalt wool made in the form of plates is best suited. Insert them between rafters and under them. If the gap remains, then cut the strip of the desired size from the insulation, adding 2.5 cm about the supply, and fill the slot. It is especially recommended to try in areas where the roof changes its shape, and with the insulation of complex elements - skate, sinks, rtsov. It is also worth very accurately performing styling material in places where the roof is fitted with walls and window openings, which, by the way, should also be insulated. For Svea, provide moisture protection and do the holes for ventilation.

The overlaps depended on their species as follows:

  1. With reinforced concrete floors and bulk floors, or if the floor is laid with ceramic tiles, a very durable heat insulator is needed, capable of absorbing noise well. Given all these requirements, you should give preference towards expanding polystyrene.
  2. If the overlaps are reinforced concrete, and the floors are made of wood, are used for lags, one can consider such a insulation as basalt wool. Do not forget that ventilation openings should be located in the corners. It is also necessary to establish lags on gaskets from noise absorbing material in order to protect against outsided sounds.
  3. In the case of overlaps made of wooden beams, they should be equipped with a draft floor to which the heat-insulating material will be placed. Remember the moisture-proof layer. On the smooth surface, it is more expedient to use the insulation in rolls.

Non-combustible basalt-materials-for-insulation-attic from inside

The insulation of the frontone passes one of the following options:

  • With the insulation of the attic in the house with layered masonry, the material should be located inside the masonry. Outside the place of facing. Use basalt wool slabs as insulation. If according to estimates, the material will absorb water, bother about vaporizolation.
  • Choosing the technology of the "ventilated facade", prepare basalt fiber. Leave the gap between the insulation and the facing, which should reach 4-15 cm. In addition, do not forget about the installation of a special membrane so that there are no drafts. And she will protect the insulation from the effects of precipitation.
  • If the facade is plaster, then the insulation is better to use polystyrene foam or stone wool in the plates, making a bid on the strength and stability of the form of the material. If there is no possibility to insulate the walls of the French outside, make the inner heat insulation.

Doing the insulation of the attic, do not forget about what they need thermal insulation and partitions. The best material for this is the plates of Minvati, as it does not waste the design and keeps warm air well. On such partitions, a framework with guides are installed, along which plates from minvati are placed. To achieve high-quality noise insulation, a special noise-eyed material is placed between the floor and partition.

To increase the durability, the insulation must be protected from wind, steam and rain on two sides by waterproofing material. Fix the film by mounting special counterbruces 2.4 cm high. Do not allow the film tension so that it suddenly burst in the process of flowing water. Waterproofing provides dryness of thermal insulation material, and the walls and walls protect against rot and mold. The ventilation system must be two-level. The inlet holes should be located on the scene, and the output is done on the ridge of the roof. But if the choice is made in favor of such a waterproofing material, as a superdiffusion membrane, just one layer above the insulation.

When taking into account all these recommendations, the proper choice of material and attentive performance will please you. Attic will be reliably protected from cold wind, snow and rain.

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