How to insulate the ministerial ceiling

How to insulate the ministerial ceiling

Do you live on the top floor or in your home? Then, most likely, you know the problem of "cold winter conditions". If you think about how to make your home cozy, consider the insulation option not only the walls, but also the ceiling. Let's figure out how to insulate the ceiling with mineral wool.

Let's find out to start, what is Minvat, what kinds of it exist and why it is. Mineral wool - affordable thermal insulation material, which is used for insulation of walls and ceiling. Moreover, the last in this case is the most "vulnerable" place, since it is through it that more than 30% of all heat in the house is lost. Minvata appears not only by the source of heat, but also excellent noise insulator. At the same time, it is convenient to use to work as soon as possible, has a refractory function, resistant to fluctuating air temperature. And most importantly - available in the price category. There are such varieties of this material:

  • Glass Minvat;
  • Stone;
  • Slag;
  • Ceramic and others.

Most often, glass and stone varieties are used to work, as they are the most reliable insulation.

The second stage - you need to purchase high-quality minvatu. This should not be a natural market for building materials, but a specialized store that you trust. Before buying, read the reviews, literature, or talk with the masters of this case. If you decide to buy it yourself without tips, in the store be sure to pay attention to:

  • Packing: The goods must be sealed properly.
  • The color of the product - it has a light yellow color (for fakes, it is usually poisonous-bright).
  • The density of the goods: when you press him with your hand, he must return to the previous state.

If you heard that the Minvat allocates poisonous smell of phenol, do not despair - such emissions can be minimal and only at a very high temperature. The substitute for mineral wool can be an eco-friendly, which, as a rule, does not have such features.

So, you purchased high-quality mineral wool and prepared a room to repair. The roof should be waterproof. In order for the Minvatu to apply on the ceiling, perform step-by-step actions:

  1. Prepare everything you need for work, namely, a sharp knob, roulette, construction tape and stapler, fasteners, wood rails or profile.
  2. Be sure to use protective equipment in your work: glasses, mittens, respirator, dense clothing.
  3. Cut the material in the required amount, carefully calculated everything in advance.

After work, be sure to take a shower and remove in the room.

If you insulate the attic ceiling, you should suggest the material and cut it into pieces of the desired size. Remember that in your case the thickness of the rafter and will be the thickness of the material. Insulation Area Calculate how the multiplication of the length of the rafter and the distance between them, plus the spare 2 cm. Overlapse the insulation in the struts between the rafter. Provide the gap between the material and waterproofing of 2-3 cm for air ventilation. In order not to form gaps or folds, it is necessary to put the Minvatu evenly. On top of the insulation, apply vapor barrier with an overlap about 10 cm perpendicular to the rafters.

When insulating the ceiling indoors, use the crate (wooden or galvanized). If the ceiling from the boards is be sure to use waterproofing. For repair in a standard apartment with concrete walls, it will not need. When you installed the crate, fill it in neatly minvata. Bottom apply vaporizolation (Fall in 10 cm), while fixing the joints with adhesive tape. After you put the insulation, you can start decorating the ceiling.


To date, repair work - the pleasure is not cheap. Therefore, if you study the instructions and plan your actions in advance, you can safely insulate the ceiling by the Minvat yourself.

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