How to make a plum in the bath

How to make a plum in the bath

Whatever your bath, it is very important to make the water lead in it, because it will save from fungus, mold and unpleasant odors. A well-made drain will not allow the liquid to fill the foundation, which means that the bath will be longer to serve. There are a lot of water leads: ranging from the drain pit and ending with sewage. In any case, the floors in the bath should be done under a slope so that water flows into a special hole. Also, in order to rationally, the use of liquid can be equipped with natural water filtration, which will irrigate the soil.

First of all, you need to make the sewer system. It is usually done by drainage, or a special water discharge is made, but it is better not to implement these works on your own, especially if you have to deal with such tasks. In the case of drainage, it is worth paying great attention to the floor in the bath: under the drain hole, it is necessary to place a special chute, along which the water will be able to enter the pipe leading to a special well. However, it is impossible to allow pipes to get to the bottom of the pit, otherwise there will be unpleasant odors on it.

If the summer version of the soul is made, then no difficulties with a drain well will arise: it is simply necessary to pull out the pit and strengthen its walls, and in the case of a large content of sand in the soil - install the drainage tube. If a winter bath is planned, it is worth considering that the soil freezes and avoid unpleasant cases associated with the freezing of the well and pipes, the pit should be digging to the depth, the larger depth of the soil freezing by about 50-70 centimeters. Then some drainage material is laid out onto. The rest of the space is falling asleep. However, there are cases when such a way does not fit: the soil in some areas poorly absorbs moisture, in this situation they make a second pipe just above the bottom of the pit, which will remove excess water beyond the site.

The drain pit is not a very convenient and popular drain method. The greatest drawback is it necessary to periodically clean up using a special machine. But on the other hand, making a drain pit is much easier: the main thing is that it is at the level of the ball below the bath and water could do without obstacles to it. It is also worth postponing with a brick, a stone or at all to concrete walls so that the soil is not flown.

The primary filtering is a complex, but the necessary system of pipes and sewage treatment plants, which allows the use of water from a bath, filtered by the soil, in watering plants on the site. The exit liquid is clean, without odors and impurities, which allows it to be used in cases of automatic irrigation. However, to establish such a system when the site is already being arranged - not the best idea, since it will have to be completely flushed and redid.

If the construction of such a bath is planned, which will also serve as great-grandchildren, then you should not underestimate the importance of a well-done plum, because the service life depends on it. It is also recommended to use high-quality and wear-resistant materials that are not spoiled when water interacts.

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