How to strengthen sex lags

How to strengthen sex lags

Repair and construction work that you perform with your own hands are quite difficult, because in such processes there are a lot of different details and nuances, which one who is engaged in such works. Let's talk today how to choose the way to strengthen the lag, because the quality of the work done will depend on it.

Strengthening gender lags

To date, most people live in homes that have been built for a very long time, therefore, it is quite unreasonable that such structures often require major repairs, and therefore capital investments. Today we will talk about outdoor coverage and how you can strengthen the lags and why it may be needed. To begin with, consider some situations and ways to solve them:

  • In the event that the lags on the floor, as well as the bottom bar of the strapping type are located at the same level, it is necessary to fasten them between them. and nails).
  • You can find all these details without any problems in any building store, so there will not be problems with their search.
  • Most often an option occurs when the lags are an order of magnitude lower than the strapping bar. In this case, the use of metal brackets stands. It should be noted that in this case their size should be such as the distance between the bar itself and lags of the floor. If the distance is higher than 30 cm, then. Most likely, such brackets you have to make manually, because it will not be easy to find them at all.

The main goal in this case is as tougher to fix the floor lags and the bars, which are located on the lower tier, as soon as the target is achieved, the floorboards will not be torn off, and all the flooring will be stronger and more durable.

There is still a Dean version of solving a problem - you can simply do everything possible. So that the gaps in the floor did not become, and the gaps that are available between the wall and the floor close with special plinths. Immediately the question arises - how appropriate is it and there will be a qualitative work.

The need to strengthen the lag of the floor

There are a number of reasons for which it will be necessary to produce the process of strengthening the lag of the floor, the main ones are:

  • The unsuitable state of beam designs that are under flooring. Since most often the floor beams are made of wood, over time they require replacement, as cracks appear, wood can dry.
  • Reducing the bearing capacity. Over time, in any case, the lags will slowly see, bent, because throughout the time of their operation they operated a certain load.
  • Strengthening lags of the floor is also necessary if you want a non-residential premises to make a residential - for example, rework the attic under the residential attic, etc. It should be understood that in this case the load on the floor will be increased several times, so, without gaining lag it will not work.

Enhance the lags of the floor

There are several types of strengthening of outdoor lags. Let's consider more than one of them. And for a start, we will understand with a way where wearing wood lining are used:

  • The method under consideration is used in the case when wooden parts are damaged for one reason or another.
  • Wood linings must be installed on both sides of the beam (it can be done on top and bottom, but in both sides).
  • Attach such linings to the crawl is needed very tight. To do this, it is best to use bolts. But the main thing in this situation is pre-not to forget to process the lining with a special solution, which is antihafts, so that there are no problems with and exploitation in the future.
  • In order for how to strengthen the beam (in case of its strong damage), the pad must be attached throughout its perimeter.

  • It is also worth paying attention to the fact that it is also worth strengthening the designs with similar overlays, only made of metal. Do not forget that such details will also need to be treated with a special composition, but in this case an anti-corrosion.

The next way to strengthen lags, do it with the help of carbon fiber:

  • Today you can take advantage of the objectives under consideration with such modern material as a carbon fiber. This kind of fiber can be sold both in the form of fabric and in the form of tapes and plates.
  • This material must be glued, and it is not worth doing this, but in several layers. The exact number of layers will depend on how many such layers the beam becomes more durable.
  • Carbon fiber today is a popular and practical material that is used to enhance the genital lag.

Another reliable method is the installation of a rod prosthesis. Step-by-step instructions of this process looks like this:

  • First, we install a temporary type support, and this is necessary for a distance that does not exceed 1.6 m from the wall, which is carrier.
  • Now it will be necessary to take up the analysis of the lower overlap. In this case, the width of the dismantled space should be at least 70 cm in width and one and a half meters from the wall.
  • The next stage - get rid of the damaged section of the beam
  • We start neatly myself the prosthesis in a vertical position in the overlap between the floors and also gently turn it into position - horizontally. To do this, you will first take it on the beam, and after, immediately push into the wall niche.
  • The last stage of such a process - with the help of nails, navigate the sliding type strip, pre-shocking it in the desired side.

In general, there are many ways to strengthen the lags, so everyone should choose exactly how it will carry out this process, focusing on the features of its specific case and the cost of parts.

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