How to get rid of the edge of the floor?

How to get rid of the edge of the floor?

If your gender creaks, then either give a house for renting your horror movies or correct this misunderstanding. How to do it, we will tell you now.

Causes of the core of the floor

It is necessary to solve the problem after finding out the cause of its occurrence. So, this will go:

  • If the boards shook, the creaking becomes inevitable, the situation occurs with lags.
  • If the room is too raw, the humidity is constantly high, swelling of wooden items, including boards, becomes logical and completely explained.
  • Connections between the boards can also loosen over time (especially if it is carried out using nails), and in this case the floors will scriple.
  • Floors, like any other surfaces, wears with time, it becomes the reason for the appearance of an excessive screen.
  • If the slot or the crack appeared in the bar, the creaking is like here, so keep in mind that circumstance.

Despite the cause of the problem under consideration, after its clarification, it will be necessary to rush in search of a creaking place. In order for the floor to stop creaking, the first thing to be taken is to carry out the operational replacement of the board or boards, which are the cause of the unpleasant sound from the floor. Since this method is quite expensive, especially if no board is subject to replacement, but immediately several, you can refer to the list of other means of repairing the floor.

Methods Solving the Scrip Floor Problem

So, let's consider in detail the list of all possible ways to help get rid of annoying screenshots:

  • Candle. The ancient and cheapest method, so it will appeal to the majority who needs to solve the problem under consideration. So take the wax candle and simply rub the site on which the creaking boards are located. The probability that creak will stop, great enough.
  • If the first method did not fit or turned out to be no off-way, then we turn to the consideration of the following - the Negotel Method. By seaming drill holes, a diameter of at least 9 mm (the angle at the same time should be at least 450 0). It should be noted that it is necessary to drill at the same distance from each other (no more than every 45 cm). Go to the next step - the fastening of nonsense (the glue needs to use for this), and then we will deal with hanging the tree so that everything is not higher than the level of the floor itself. No one can guarantee that the creak will disappear forever, but the fact that in the near future you will not hear it is for sure.
  • The following method is based on the use of durable material, namely cement. Often, the cause of the screed of the flooring is formed by the time of emptiness under them, so that everything you need to find the one that creaks, carefully do a small hole in it, after which it will be necessary to pour cement there, of course, in liquid form. It is most convenient to do it through the syringe. Do not forget that it is impossible to immediately issue the entire cement from the syringe into the hole, it is necessary to do it gradually (portion) and slowly. This is done in order for cement to have managed, as it should be, absorbed. It will be necessary to continue the process in question until the cement is so to speak, to leave under the floor, which previously creaked. When the cement reaches the limit (to the edge of the board), you need to give it to frozen, after which, to process the hole made by a mastic that solidifies.

  • Method No. 4 - use foam for installation. This is an excellent material for various kinds of repair work, and this case is not an exception. So, take the mounting foam, insert the bottle into the gun and remember the space that appeared between the floorboards and under them. Paul after a while will become solid, and therefore, the floorboards will stop to creak. When using the method under consideration, do not forget that over time the structure of the foam will be collapsed, so the floor creaking may return, although not immediately.
  • Anchor from metal is another way to make the floor "not creaky". So. This method is used if the base of the flooring is served by a cooker plate. It is worth noting that it is necessary to mount the wood boards directly to the base. Thus, it turns out that the creak will disappear, and the floor will be durable.
  • The use of sealant is the following method. It is necessary to use such a means so that it consists of such components like sawdust from wood and lacquer paint. If you pour the treatment under consideration between the boards, which will creak, then with time when it freezes, the violep will not become, and the sexual coating will be durable. Immediately I would like to note that you can prepare such sealant with your own hands. To do this, you will need the following ingredients - paint, varnish and sawdust. We mix 5 parts of sawdust with 1.5 parts of paint and varnish. The finished solution is applied by appointment.
  • Another way to combat creak is the use of plywood. If no defects are observed on the floor, but at the same time, the creak is present, then the floors must be left, or rather, the place that creaks.

  • If the creak is caused by the friction of the boards directly about the laugs, then to get rid of this trouble, it is enough for self-thread to bore these two elements.

All the above ways make it possible to cope with such a nuisance like creaking floors. It should also be noted that one person can produce any of these processes and without any assistance.

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