What is better laminate or linoleum

What is better laminate or linoleum

Among the varieties of floor coverings are the most popular are laminate and linoleum. They are quite accessible and often used to update floor-building floors. Today, requirements for outdoor materials are elevated, therefore it is worth knowing the advantages and cons of each of the coatings.

Stylish laminate

Laminated floors are a solid surface that looks like a delicate wood (sometimes as a tile) and made of recycled hardwood. A layer of melamine wear is applied on top of the web, which gives it a durable protection against scratches, and under it there is a high-tissue board. The laminated parquet is usually installed on top of existing floors: concrete, tile or even delicate wood (provided that the floor under it is stable and smooth).

Pluses of laminate:

  • Wide range of designs
  • Easy installation,
  • Has an appearance of more expensive materials,
  • Convenient transportation,
  • Material is resistant to temperature changes.

Disadvantages of the coating:

  • Laminated floors cannot be redone. Worn or damaged individual boards must be replaced.
  • Laminated floors are solid (inflexible) surface. It is important that the base is smooth and relatively smooth. If the board "plays" when walking, it can split and break.
  • Such a coating can create an undesirable knock under a certain shoe.
  • The discrepancy between the lamellas through active use, for example, in the corridor.
  • Floor service life depends on the thickness and quality of the material. Check the supplier's warranty before buying to know what you cover the floor.

Practical linoleum

Linoleum floors are often called "green" flooring, since it is made of natural materials. Linoleum has several classes. The lower grade material is flaws quickly. High quality linoleum is often used in hospitals and medical institutions, since it is not allergenic.

Minuses of linoleum:

  • Like all softer options for flooring, linoleum is subject to breaks and scratches when moving furniture.
  • When coating, the new material emits unpleasant couples. These smells are absolutely harmless, but some people do not tolerate them.
  • Linoleum turns yellow when exposed to light.
  • Deployed material requires periodic polishing.
  • Despite the long service life, with poor care, the floor can quickly wear and ship.

Linoleum Pluses:

  • Linoleum floors are incredibly durable and can serve up to 40 years with proper care.
  • The coating perfectly retain your color and drawing, because the dye is applied under the protective layer.
  • Linoleum is easy to install and requires minimal care. It is enough just to sweep and periodically wash.
  • Such material is the most versatile coating with a wide range of colors and patterns. From linoleum you can create unique mosaics, as it is easy to cut.
  • Environmentally friendly coating.

The difference between laminate and linoleum

The biggest difference between the coatings lies in the material from which they are made. The laminate has a composite basis that ends with a layer of printed paper with parquet images (tiles) from solid wood. Linoleum can be made of natural products, including linseed oil and sawdust. He is very similar to the vinyl flooring. Although both types of flooring are made in different ways, great differences are as used. Here are the main functions that share them.

  • Similarity. Both types of flooring have various patterns, many of which are similar to parquet floors. Laminate more like a dear material of solid wood. For this reason, it is chosen to improve the interior of the housing.
  • Mounting. The biggest difference between the materials lies in the installation plan. Linoleum coating is placed on the glue over the floor. Laminate "floats" over the underlying layer. The substrate is an effective way to minimize the risk of leakage of moisture and damage to the floor. It also provides a calmer, smooth surface when walking.
  • The premises itself, where the installation of the new floor is planned, plays a role in choosing a type of material. On linoleum often stop when changing the floor in bathrooms or kitchens, as it is practically waterproof. This type of floor can be much more convenient in the bathroom than expensive laminate. He is softer when they step by bare feet, and is also suitable for outdoor heating. Due to its composition, laminate is not waterproof. It requires dry care to keep his beauty. The coating should always be kept dry, and it is important that the floor is as clean as possible. From aesthetic point of view, laminate is more attractive, so it is usually used in dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms.
  • Price. One of the traditional advantages of linoleum is the price. It is more accessible than most laminates, and has established itself as a good, inexpensive alternative to him.

So, now you know about the benefits of each of the coatings. Most buyers stop at the laminate, thanks to the best price and quality ratio. Since it is made of high-quality materials, it is possible to be sure that the coating will last for several years. All laminate has a shine that looks good at any time. Linoleum is suitable for those buyers who do not like the appearance of the tree (stone). It has more style options, but quickly wear out.

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