How to make a threshold at the entrance door

How to make a threshold at the entrance door

When the repairs in the room are made from scratch, the threshold becomes the final stage in the process under consideration, but at the same time, it does not play the very last role in this entire act. The entrance to the room is used very often. Therefore, this part needs to pay special attention. Let's see in more detail in how you can make a threshold before the entrance door.

Properties and Functions of the threshold

The thresholds can be indoors and outside, first - interroom, second - input. They differ not only by the title, but also design, so it should be taken into account during their assembly and formation. So that the process of installing the threshold passed without any problems, it is necessary to know everything about the materials and techniques of manufacturing such a detail. And let's start with the functionality of the threshold:

  • First of all, the threshold we divide the room from the street, and therefore the first and main function is divided.
  • In order for dirt, dust and other dirt contamination from one room to another, as well as from the street to the room, thresholds are also installed.

  • The sound insulation level also depends on the presence of a threshold, if it is not, then, accordingly, this level is an order of magnitude lower.
  • It is clear that the door and the transition from one room to another without a threshold looks not aesthetically, so that the factor also should not be discounted.
  • The door with the threshold to crack is much more complicated, which means that it can be said that the threshold also performs a protective function.
  • It is understood that due to the presence of the threshold, the heat is not so quickly removed from the room, which means one more threshold function is the heat saving.

The thresholds are usually installed between the rooms, with the entrance door and on the balcony or the loggia. If we deal with the functions and you, we turn to the consideration of the device and species. 2) Device and materials thresholds

To date, such a threshold is often used quite often, which is called guillotine. This type of part under consideration is usually attached to the door itself. The meaning of this design is the following - when closing the door, the threshold is put forward and the gap between it and the floor disappears completely.

It should also be noted that many modern doors are immediately sold complete with the threshold, so in this case you should not bother about the independent structure of such a detail.

I immediately want to say for the variety of materials from which the threshold can be made:

  • The tree is beautiful, practical, but here is the expensive material for the threshold.
  • Metal is one of the most diverse materials, forms and species are also varied, but do not forget that it is cold enough and can be slippery in case of installation in front of the front door.
  • Plastic, cork or stone - these materials are also used for the manufacture of thresholds.

Installation features

If you decide to make a threshold, it is not necessary to immediately call and call the masters, because this service will be expensive. Everything can be realized independently without assistance, it will be high quality, because for yourself, and cheap, because the money will need to spend only on the materials for the threshold.

If we talk about standards, then most often the thresholds are made up to 35 mm. No one says that it is impossible to do more or less, small deviations can be. Before doing the finish of the threshold, you need to make sure that the surface of this structure is mandatory must be smooth and what is very important - dry. It is impossible to start in the event that there are some defects or irregularities on the surface of the threshold.

If you decide to make an input threshold, then it is better to use strong materials that are not deformed when temperatures and under the influence of other natural conditions. Often, experts make such thresholds from concrete or bricks. Do not forget that you first need to form a formwork (for these purposes old boards are suitable), and then it is already planted with bricks or pour concrete.

Tree threshold installation

It should be noted that thresholds from different materials are mounted differently. Let's consider the process of installing a wooden threshold in the steps:

  • First you need to decide on the parameters of the future design, namely the length and width. All this is measured for sure.
  • After the parameters are known, go to the preparatory work, which are to choose and acquiring all the necessary materials. All tools should be at hand to the process of manufacturing the design under consideration was easier.
  • We saw large boards into parts, the size of which corresponds to the desired size of parts for the threshold.
  • Now it's time to make grooves in previously carved boards. Do not forget that the height of the boards must comply with the height of the steps.
  • You do not need to knock down nails, this process is also produced by certain calculations. More often they are driven at a distance of RUG from a friend of 10 cm.
  • We also do not forget that at each stage of the manufacturer of the threshold, it is necessary to accurately measure the level for construction.

  • Among other things, thick wood can be fixed not with nails, but with shoes.
  • In order for the threshold to become a practical auxiliary part of your home, it is necessary to make it in accordance with the foot length of the largest tenant of this room.

Now you know all the details and nuances of the process under consideration, so there should be no problems with the manufacture of the threshold.

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