Laying laminate with your own hands step by step instructions

Laying laminate with your own hands step by step instructions

Today, in the world of construction and repair, there is a huge number of diverse materials for installation and design. Today we will talk about floor coverings.

Characteristic of the laminate coating

The most popular and optimal option for buyers became laminate. And it is quite logical. This coating has a huge amount of advantages, for example, such as:

  • Affordable price.
  • Good technical characteristics.
  • Bright design. Thanks to the entire variety of laminate colors and its possible designs, everyone can choose what it is in him.
  • Easy installation, laying on any basis.
  • Does not require specific care.

The laminate board consists of several technological layers, which determine its stability and operational characteristics:

  • Upper layer - antistatic, very durable material that copes with any mechanical load
  • Acrylic resin - gives additional strength due to mineral substances
  • Decorative layer - Paper impregnated with special
  • The glue layer, the main function of which, gluing the upper layers
  • Plastic base - protects the board from the water, there is a system of locks, fasteners

If you are a beginner builder, you need to know the main parameters:

  1. Thickness. From thickness directly depends the strength of the board and, accordingly, how long it will last you
  2. Type of connection panels (lock)
  3. You also need to have instructions for laying

Before starting installing the floor with a laminate coating, you need to make sure that:

  • Concrete or wooden base is flat and fairly dry
  • All cracks and seams must be concreted, the next floor is filled with a screed, a drying time is set.
  • When processing wood floor replaced the rotting boards, the surface is leveled
  • Before the laying of the floor perfectly clean or vacuum cleaner

The surface prepared by laying may be highlighted by moisture, which negatively affects the laminate board, leading to its deformation. Therefore, use additional installation, membrane or polyethylene film, which performs functions:

  • Waterproofing
  • Sound insulation
  • Alignment of base defects

Laminate should lie indoors 48-72 hours, at that temperature and humidity of the air in which it will fit.

Laminate Laying: Step-by-step instructions

The main stages of step-by-step laminate laying with their own hands:

  1. The preparatory stage begins with the harvesting and elimination of household and construction trash.
  2. For the entire length of the room, the substrate is folded, the joints are stuck with scotch. Care must be taken, avoiding the formation of folds.
  3. Selecting a method of layout layout: transverse, longitudinal or diagonal, which will emphasize the originality of the design or visually change the geometry of the room.
  4. Preparation of the set of necessary tools: Roulette, perforator, hacksaw, sweater bar, marker.
  5. The first row laying occurs entirely and begins with a long corner of the room. The panel lies with the lock on itself.
  6. The installation of the second Rada occurs with the displacement to the middle of the previous lamella, the board is cut and inserted into the grooves of the first row, boils with a hammer for consolidation. It is important to monitor that there are no cracks and gaps between the boards, also monitor the height drop.
  7. The third and subsequent rows are stacked similarly to the second.
  8. If necessary, laminate boards are cut under the shape of pipes, radiators or other elements.
  9. When the last row is stacked, the panel cuts the desired width and fixed to the previous row.
  10. Plinth fasteners.

Most often use longitudinal molding, as it is easy to lay it, it can be easily disassembled (recommended up to 3 times) if the board is spoiled to be easily replaced. As you can see, nothing complicated in laying laminate.

Even a novice builder, yes, in principle, any other person who wants to put this coverage independently, if desired, it will be easy to cope with this task. The main thing is your desire and some patience!

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