How to fill the floors in the apartment do it yourself

How to fill the floors in the apartment do it yourself

Floor screed is necessary for several reasons: before arranging the finish coating, when creating a "warm floor" system, when laying insulation materials. How to independently fill the floors in the apartment, find out from our article.

How to fill the floors in the apartment with your own hands - preparatory stage

Any construction and repair work begins with the preparation of work surfaces. In the case of Paul, preparatory work will include such actions:

  • From the floor dismantle the old coating if it is.
  • Then the surface sweeps, collect all the garbage, wipe the dust and wash off the dirt.
  • Fat stains are removed by dissolving compositions.
  • The gender is then covered with a layer of primer, which will improve the adhesion of the materials used. If the working base is too dry or porous, then it is primed 2 times. Before continuing the work, the primer must dry.

How to fill the floors in the apartment with your own hands - floorpower

After preparatory work, the floor is desirable to hydroize. For this, polymer, bitumen, mineral or mixed compositions are used. Types of waterproofing materials are different:

  • Rolled or film is multi-layered membranes, which are performed both hydro and thermal insulating functions.
  • Mastic are peculiar adhesive mixtures based on resins, rubber or polymers. They are good because nowhere leaves the slots and fill all the cavities.
  • Liquid - after frozen, cover the base with a solid waterproof film.
  • Powders - are a mixture of plasticizers and binding ingredients that need to be breeded with water in accordance with the instructions.

Floor waterproofing is especially necessary if the work is carried out in a bathroom or toilet if there are significant slots and gaps in the places of walls of walls with a floor or near communications.

When waterproofing, it is possible to immediately equip the thermal insulation of the overlap, putting the layer of the corresponding material: minvats, polystyrene foam, ceramisitis.

How to fill the floors in the apartment with your own hands - the horizontal measurement of the floor and the exhibition of lighthouses

The screed is poured strictly horizontally, for which the horizontality is pre-determined by a laser or water level. This is how it is done:

  • From the lower door level, the upstarts are measured 1 m up and make a mark there.
  • Along all the walls, the room draws a line corresponding to this mark. So that the line was parallel everywhere, it is checked by the level.
  • Down from the first line at a distance of 1 m spend the second.
  • In the corners of the room at the level of the lower marks, nails are riding and between them stretch the cord.

Drawn on the walls of the marks will help arrange lighthouses. As lighthouses, metal cutters or wooden rails can be used. They are put on the edge, observing the distance less than the length of the rule for the recruitment of the cement mortar.

How to fill the floors in the apartment with your own hands - preparation and fill of the solution

The mixture for the preparation of the solution can be purchased ready or make it yourself. If the room is small, some prefer not to save and buy the composition in the finished form. Well, those who want to save money or performs a large amount of work, choose an independent preparation option. The cement-sandy solution is done like this:

  • Water and perlite are stirred in proportions 2: 4.
  • Then 1 part of the cement is introduced into this composition and another part of the water.
  • The mass is again thoroughly stirred and snapped 2 pieces of sand. Then they plot another 5 parts of the water and interfere again to the plastic consistency.

Poured solution in the following way:

  • It is laid out by parts between the beacons and smash the construction rule, by type resembling Mop. If there is no such rule at hand, it takes a plaster half-seater or a very wide spatula.
  • Performing the resurrection of the solution, carry out vibrating movements, so that the composition filled with itself all the cavities and air bubbles came out of it.
  • If the ceramzite is placed under the tie of the insulation, then it is watered with cement milk before pouring the solution - a very liquid mixture of cement and water.
  • In some cases, the ceramzite is added directly to the cement solution.

Sometimes the floors are poured not with cement mortar, but by special plastic mixtures that are sold in the finished form. Such bulk floors are more durable and durable. The composition acquired in powder form is bred by water, a sufficiently liquid mixture is obtained, which is poured along the same technology. As a rule, the bulk gender is obtained more even due to the fact that the liquid composition is better spread over the surface.

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