How to glue border

How to glue border

The decorative wobbly border is able to give a more accurate look of the wallpaper or painted panel. You can choose one of the many variants of patterns, colors, sizes and geometric shapes - all borders are equally easily and quickly glued. In order not to disappoint at the final stage of repair, the border must be glued on the markup and do neat, inconspicuous joints.

Using the level, pencil and long line, apply pre-marking on the wall. Measure the length of the wall and add 50 mm for trimming. Apply glue from the center to the edges of the strip and fold it with the harmonica. Maximum 10 minutes it will be soaked. The border with a pre-applied glue layer is better to wet the brush than to immerse in the "bath", as it happens with wallpaper. If necessary, such borders are brought to rewind so that their decorative surface is from the outside of the roll.

Give 25-30 cm border for one reception. If you use a self-adhesive curb, remove the paper from the adhesive layer and seal it to the wall. Before tringing and gluing the next strip, pigeon drawing. Do not attempt to glue a long strip on an external or inner corner. It is much easier to use the tips presented above.

If you need to use more than one bar not a wall, then you know that the jack is usually used for borders with a simple repeating pattern. For more complex patterns, two lanes will be attached to the most acceptable, so that the drawing coincided, and carefully cut both bands.

After the surplus is removed, and the cut edges are invited, the joint will become almost impaired. Use a roller for seams to smooth the edges of the bands.

Claper wobbly border right left if you are right-handed, and left to right if left-handed. The process will be more enjoyable if the markup line will pass along its upper edge and on the inner corners around the windows and doors. If the nerve of the ceiling manifested itself only after sticking the border - paint the remaining gap of paint in tone.

You can make an imperceptible junction of a border strip with a complex pattern. Just impose the edge of the dry strip over the already blended, carefully pick up the pattern and make an incision through both layers along the contour of the pattern. Remove the surplus, spread the lane with glue and put the curb to the wall - the joint will be imperceptible.

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