Fliseline wallpapers, designed for subsequent painting, glue quite easily. At the same time, given their unusual structure, you need to adhere to certain rules for their wall mounting and ceilings. Since the wallpaper is quite wide, glue them better together.
Flizelin wallpaper structure
These wallpapers consist of two layers. Outdoor - convex pattern of foamed fliesline (cellulose fiber), internal - thin level base from the same fliesline. Flizelin, even with its strong moisture, is completely not stretched. Glue such wallpaper is much easier than pulling paper. And this material is very light, so it is much more convenient to work with it than with heavy paper or vinyl. Due to light weight, flieslinic wallpaper is released very wide - 2 times wider than paper. Unlike other species, Fliselinic wallpapers are shifted - and this is perhaps the only "minus". Translucent specks or marks from a pencil on the walls will have to remove painting wallpapers in a white or different color.
Choosing flieslinic wallpaper
Fliseline wallpaper is mainly on sale come 106 cm wide, and 25 m long. Roll area is 26.5 sq. M. Knowing this magnitude and calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls and the ceiling Rooms, you can easily calculate the required number of wallpaper rolls.
Wallpaper drawing choose to your taste. The most optimal is considered to be such that does not require the selection. If you are going to buy wallpapers with a complex pattern, then carefully examine the selection of the selection of the pattern and its step - information is available on each roll of wallpaper. If it is impossible to calculate the number of wallpaper, refer to the consultant. Take a room plan with you to the store with an indication of all values \u200b\u200b(length and width of walls, height to ceiling, number of windows and doors and their size).
Together with wallpaper, buy and special glue. How much will it take for one or another number of wallpapers, read on the package. Keep in mind that when installing flieslinic wallpaper, only the surfaces of the walls or ceilings are treated with glue - wallpapers are not flawed themselves.
Do not forget to purchase a wide roller to smooth wallpaper wallpapers and a sharp construction knife. It is well cutting wallpaper and cut them along the floor and ceiling. And you still need a rather wide flat brush - for applying glue on the walls or ceilings.
Also pick up the paint, which, after drying, you will have to paint the phlizelin wallpaper.
Preparation of surfaces to pussy fliesline wallpaper
Training technology:
- Soak hot water or steam old wallpaper. Using a spatula, remove the shifting coverage. If there are many old glue on the walls, wash it with hot water - use a large sponge.
- Treat walls from different convexities and recesses. Breaks Clean sandpaper, sinks fill in putty. Give the putty to dry well.
- Treat the finish putty all the surfaces of the walls and the ceiling. Give her to dry. Drying time is indicated on a pack with this building material.
- Putty Treat shallow skin, and then pass the primer.
Fliseline Wallpaper Technology
Start glue the wallpaper from the corner near the window.
- Divide glue according to the instructions.
- Return from the angle of 106 cm (width of the wallpaper) - it is best to produce it under the most ceiling. Make a pencil mark. Attach the building level and take away the vertical line. To do this, make several marks all over, and then connect them with a thin simple pencil.
- Cut from wallpaper striped, the height that is equal to the height of the wall. Do not forget about the allowance of 10 cm - in case the height of the four corners of the room differ from each other. This basically happens in old houses.
- A highlighted area of \u200b\u200bthe linen is completely extinguished by glue.
- Attach wallpaper to the wall near the ceiling and very carefully start smooth out them down - use a roller. At the same time, control the vertical edge of the wallpaper watered strictly along the battered line.
- When the first strip is glued, with the help of a building knife and a metal line cut the allowances near the ceiling and floor. If the corners of the strip are cut when cutting from the wall, then a small tassel, lubricate a piece of the wall and press the corner to the surface.
- Next, the glue fliesline wallpaper is the same method, but you can already not beat the vertical line.
Important comments:
- Flizelin wallpapers are glued only to jack.
- Glue that can fill in the seams, it is necessary to remove immediately and use a wet sponge for this.
- The wall of the wall or ceiling is processed immediately before overclocking the cuts on them.
On the flow of flieslinic wallpaper glued in the same way as on the walls. Starting need to start on generally accepted rules - from the window. Vividly see how glue wide fliesline wallpaper, you can in this video clip.