How to glue vinyl wallpaper on paper basis

How to glue vinyl wallpaper on paper basis

We decided to glue the wallpaper at home, but do not know where to start? Then this article is for you. In it, you will find important tips and recommendations, how to glue vinyl wallpaper.

Such wallpapers are on fliselinova and paper based. The latter are most often acquired for repairs due to low cost and variety of color. But at the same time, they are difficult to glue, they often rush and bend.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper - surface preparation

Vinyl on a paper basis is thinner, and after their sticking, all irregularities on the wall will be visible. Therefore, it is important prepare surface. The exception can be a foamed basis: due to the volumetric drawing, the disadvantages will hide.

  • First delete the old paper layer. To do this, apply a fluid with a fur roller. When she flashes, remove it with a spatula.
  • If you use the wallpaper of bright shades, then all dark places on the wall need to be smelted with putty or white paint.
  • Through the glossy and monophonic color of vinyl wallpapers will be seen flaws in the plaster. If you have an uneven surface, then prefer the embossed pattern with a matte tint.
  • Using spikellet her dry well. Then soft brushes are dust.
  • Be sure to drive the walls with a special solution with antifungal property. In the absence of such a means, make a weak wallpaper glue solution and process the walls.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper - features of sticking

In addition, it is necessary to prepare glue according to the instructions, it is important to take into account several recommendations.

  • First of all, choose a special vinyl glue or use PVA.
  • If there is a picture on the wallpaper, pick it carefully. At the same time, near the plinths on the ceiling and the semi can not count the size, then just cut extra paper.
  • Sliced \u200b\u200bpaper strips We only have a clean surface or undress the film. For the convenience of applying glue, label wallpaper on the floor drawing down.
  • Unlike most other wallpapers, the glue is applied to the vinyl cloth, and not on the wall. Then fold the strip with the reverse side twice and leave the paper to swell. Avoid chances on the fold lines.
  • Apply the glue with a thin layer, otherwise its excess comes on the front and spoil the drawing.
  • As a result of a high density of the canvas, each new strip must be glued exclusively to another. If a paper base allows, a thin parchment is put under the junction, which will hide the wall if it dispels.
  • Cress the wallpaper with a rubber roller, especially on the junction line. Excess glue remove with a dry cloth or sponge.
  • Dry wallpaper at room temperature with closed windows, otherwise they will break.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper - tips

In addition to the rules of stacking vinyl, there are some more small tips so that the wallpaper does not disappear and retain the original appearance.

  • Exclude drafts and air inflows to the room where you are going to glue the wallpaper. To do this, close all windows and doors, turn off the air conditioning, fan.
  • The surface must be dry and purified from contamination.
  • Start glue the cloth from the window to the door. Since sunlight falls from the window, then the joints will be visible.
  • The paper layer on wallpaper is protected by vinyl, so they can be washed.
  • Be sure to check the part number and manufacturer on each roll of wallpaper. Since they may differ in a shade.
  • Holes for sockets and wires are cut through only after complete drying of the glue.
  • If you glue such a web for the first time, then get the "sliding" glue. Before drying, he will allow moving the stripes and remove the chances.

Glue vinyl wallpapers on paper based easily and quickly, if you use such small recommendations. Now you will easily make repairs yourself.

More clearly about how to glue the wallpaper. See here:

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