How to glue glass

How to glue glass

A variety of construction and finishing materials today simply enthusiasm. If you wish, you can purchase materials for every taste and create an incredible design.

Wallpaper sticking is one of the most important stages in creating a beautiful room. However, do you know what they happen? Did you hear about the glass windows? Today we will talk exactly about such a wall covering and deal with how to use it correctly.

Features of the use of glasses

So, the glass walls are a decorative type of wall coating, which can be smooth or embossed. This type of wallpaper for many people is something completely new and, of course, interesting.

So let's consider some features of using wallpaper data:

  • Glassy, \u200b\u200bas a rule, look exactly the same on both sides. However, it is possible to distinguish the facial and irons. Sometimes the manufacturer makes a gray or blue line on the wrong side of the wallpaper.
  • For such wallpapers, the usual glue is not suitable. It is necessary to use glue for heavy wallpaper types. Moreover, it is very important to know that the glue must be applied not to the coating, but on the walls.
  • When cutting wallpaper is extremely important to comply with safety. Your clothes must completely close all areas of the skin, tight gloves stand on the hands. Cut wallpapers with a common painting knife, while making the allowance of about 5-7 cm to make it possible to combine the drawing.
  • This type of coating is worth glueing. You need to keep the seams tight enough, but very carefully and carefully so that the drawing converges correctly.

Gymellae shook

Go to sticking glasses. We will need:

  • Glue for glasses
  • Brush
  • Putty knife
  • Primer
  • Roller
  • Malyary knife
  • Clean rag


  • Prepare the surface for applying a new coating. To do this, from the walls you need to remove the old paint, the remnants of wallpaper and putty. If the walls in the room are completely uneven, then it should be fixed.
  • We take a universal putty, align the surface, waiting until it dry, and after high quality, we remove dust remnants. Small cracks can be left, but in places of the porous surface, it must be projected. To do this, we make a weak solution from the primer.
  • We divorce the glue. Be careful and observe all the proportions specified in the instructions.
  • Now we take glue and apply it to that part of the surface of the wall, where the strip of glasses will be glued. If the wallpaper is without a picture, it is not necessary to do the battery, if the drawing is available, the wallpaper is glued with a small allowance. After the coating dry, the battery is neatly cut.
  • In the same way as with ordinary wallpaper, when sticking glass, it is necessary to remove all surplus air and glue from under them. We use the usual rubber roller. Coating joints need to be treated with a clean cloth.
  • Bringing wallpaper in the whole place, leave them to dry for a day. At this time, do not allow drafts.

Painting glass windows

The next step of working with wallpaper will be painting.

  • To begin with, our glass windows should be brought to a diluted glue solution.
  • If you paint the wallpaper where they in the future can quickly blur, then prefer acrylic paint. It is acrylic paint that is great for such premises, because the wallpaper painted with it can be washed and wipe.
  • In any other case, you can use water-dispersion and water-emulsion paint
  • Wallpaper should be painted only when they dry well. At the same time, they need to paint twice, with an interval of 12 hours.

As you can see, nothing complicated in the sticking of this decorative coating. Moreover, glass windows are a very high-quality and malleable material, with which you can easily make any design of your room.

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