How to withdraw video from phone to tv

How to withdraw video from phone to tv

Today, everyone has a mobile gadget, without it, a modern man can not even imagine his everyday life. But this does not mean at all that we stopped using PCs and TVs, so you need to know all the ways of their "interaction". Let's talk today about how you can withdraw the video from the phone to the TV and how many ways it exists for it.

Phone connection to tv

It is clear that no matter how big the screen is on your smartphone, you still sometimes want to view your photos, as well as videos on the big screen - it is really convenient. Also often such a desire arises for general viewing files from your gadget. That is why this article will become relevant and interesting for those who decided to bring the image from the screen of your phone to the television screen.

To date, the consumer can find a lot of options in the gadget market. In most cases, modern phones work on the IOS system or Android, so that they may well replace the stationary personal computer in their functionality. Among other things, there are also powerful chambers of excellent qualities, which give the user to make high-quality video and photos that have a lot of resolution, which means to watch them on the big screen will be solid pleasure.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows how everyone knows how to connect his gadget to the TV, so that we will be with you today. If it comes to household players, then no difficulties in this process will arise - the HDMI cable to help us, but the fact is that these connectors are unlikely to be shoved in the smartphone.

Some believe that if they become the owners of Smart TV, then the connection will be easy and trouble-free, but, to great unfortunately, it's not at all so, because the main thing in this deed is to know all the nuances of the process, as well as all sorts of ways of "Socyia" of your gadget and TV.

Micro HDMI to help

Often, the user wonders - how best to connect the phone to the TV - via Wi-Fi or it is better to use the cable. The answer to this question is unambiguous - easier and more efficiently through the cable. Because even the most modern smartphones do not have the desired Wi-Fi speed mode, so as to transmit content to the TV without any problems, so have this fact in mind.

There are smartphones, like, for example, LG 2X smartphone, which contains a special connector on the top of the case - Micro HDMI, which makes it possible to broadcast on the TV screen online everything that happens on the gadget screen, it is convenient and practical - you can't argue .

Connect the smartphone to the TV in this way the easiest way, but, unfortunately, not all gadgets are equipped with this port, so in this case we are talking only about those gadgets where there is such a device.


Those gadgets whose work is carried out on the MTK system have become owners of MHL. It is such a device that makes it possible to receive video signals from the port that transmits data (also can also be used to recharging the device). Do not forget that it is not necessary for these purposes without such a device as an adapter MHL. Thus, the user has the ability to view his photos from the phone on the TV and play games on a huge screen.

But here, too, there are some nuances, namely, in order to enhance the signal, it will be necessary to connect a special cable with a power of 5 V. In addition, if the image resolution exceeds 1080p, the lags become inevitable. To date, it is so easy to find a gadget that will support the system under consideration.


The LG and SAMSUNG models have possessed the device under consideration. Here everything is just as easy to connect the gadget to the TV, only here the picture is already becoming high quality. You simply connect the cord to the gadget, and the other end of its end fit into a similar jack on your TV, which is most often located on the sidebar (if it is about plasma).

It is clear that in this case you will also need high-quality HDMI cable, because otherwise (if it is cheap Chinese), interference on the TV screen you are provided with 100% probability.

Wireless connection

As for this method, its main plus is that to connect a telephone and television, the user will not need any cables and wires. Everything is carried out by using the Wi-Fi system or directly through the router, which is set by the user in the house.

If we talk about the minuses of the connection under consideration, then here you immediately want to note the quality of communication, which, most often, leaves much to be desired. In this case, the game is also impossible to broadcast the game you pass on your gadget, so the way is simple, but not quite effective. Although there are no wires to connect here, the effectiveness of this method is not too high.

As you might notice, wired connection methods look not as aesthetically, but at the same time, are more efficient compared to wireless manipulations. Progress has not yet reached the wireless network to become an ideal way to carry out similar manipulations.

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