How to create QR

How to create QR

The use of QR code is increasingly gaining popularity. With this code, you can not only quickly access the information you need, but also securely protect your data. Details about the use and creation of a QR code will tell in this article.

What is a QR code?

QR code is a Japanese invention that was originally intended for Japanese cars. When the information stopped placed in the barcode (they became too long), then quick response codes came to help, or rather the QR code.

  • Therefore, it can be said that the QR code is an encrypted sign (a quick response), with which you can find out information about the product, company and other information containing any data. For example, product data.
  • Place QR code mostly in small squares.
  • It is especially convenient to use the QR code when there is always a smartphone at hand, since the smartphone can read encoded information.

In order to read the QR code necessary:

  1. Download the application for reading codes on your smartphone. For example, you can download such an application in Play.Market.
  2. Install the application.
  3. Run the installed application.
  4. Lay the phone to the QR code to make the phone camera completely captured the code. Press the "Scan" button, which is displayed in the application.
  5. Get encrypted information.

There are many more reading programs for reading this type of codes, but it may happen that the program does not consider the code due to the fact that does not support the format.

Where can I use the QR code?

The area of \u200b\u200buse of QR codes is very extensive. You can use codes as:

  • business card;
  • Advertising on various media: paper, electronic;
  • information reference;
  • viewing a certain locality card;
  • encrypted code.

For example, you need to tell about your product and not to enter the long address of the site or not to write a bulky article in the log, you can simply create a small code that can easily be considered and obtaining the necessary information.

How to create a QR code?

  • Create a QR code will not be a lot of work. The only thing you need to do is choose the site (code generator) or a mobile application that helps create such encrypted codes.
  • There are quite a lot of different services that help create a variety of QR code with a large amount of data.
  • The only thing that when creating a code should be noted that the selected codes generator take into account the QR code's ability to analyze and track the efficiency, that is, the QR code is unique. When scanning, information from one user must be displayed.

In order to create such code necessary:

  1. Run the codes generator.
  2. In the specially reserved field, enter the necessary text, for coding.
  3. Next, click the "Create Code" button or use the CTR + ENTER key combinations.
  4. After that, in a separate window, the code itself will be shown. This code can be easily printed or used on other resources.
  5. You can encode not only text, but also a link to the site, a business card, an SMS message and a lot more. Just before writing, you should select the desired item.

We give a list of the best generators for creating QR codes:

  • Kaywa;
  • Visualhead;
  • QR;
  • QR Stuff.

With the help of modern technologies, it can quickly generate the code and thereby get quick access to the desired and necessary information.



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